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It's going to be a good day

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It's going to be a good day.

It's not often Jeanette Smith feels this way, but today optimism, however foreign, has made itself at home in her veins. It's going to be a good day, she can feel it.

She collides with her father as she exits her room, humming. He raises an eyebrow as she apologizes.

"Yer in a good mood." He remarks.

"I know, it's shocking to me too.

"It's like ten in the morning," she remarks, yawning. "Where are ya goin' this early?"



Ah, so he's visiting the new community. First time visit, that'll be interesting. "Can I come?"

He gives her a look. "You just got up, and you have school."

"I'm already late, might as well take the day off. I'm already dressed, I can brush my teeth and then eat on the way."

He holds his frown. Jeanette does the same. "I know what you're thinkin'. I can hold my own Daddy, you know that."

Their staring contest continues, and then finally he sighs in defeat. "Fine, but be quick about it. And I'm choosin' the music."

She smirks. "Deal."

Ten minutes later, she's sitting in his passenger seat and munching on a plate of toast, listening to Half-Moon.

"So..." she starts, drumming her fingers against the dash. "What's the agenda for today? We show up, act like pompous assholes, steal their shit, leave?"

Dad smiles, eyes not leaving the road. "Yup, that's the plan."

"Great. An' don't worry, I'll let you be the bigger one." Not that you have a problem with that, she thinks bitterly.

Truthfully, she doesn't know what to think about her father's "plan." His way works, she guesses, but honestly, the only thing she really thinks is that Dad's a fucking hypocrite, given how he used to bitch about taxes growing up. Still, it's not like she can say anything. Smiths are stubborn as hell, and there's no use arguing with a brick wall.

The truck pulls to a stop in front of a towering, rusted wall. Welcome to Alexandria, reads a sign posted to it. Plastering on a grin, Dad grabs the bat and exits, Jeanette swiftly following. He puts his arm around her shoulder and draws her close, and she stiffens at the touch.

It's not that he hits her or anything. Despite her thoughts on him, she knows he'd never go that far. He's honestly not that bad of a dad, it's just—

They're not close.

And she knows this is all just part of his act.

The gate screeches open and a man stands behind it, looking at them with utter confusion.

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