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TW: Fighting

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TW: Fighting

Jeanette should've known she'd start her morning off with a fight. It's been a hot second since she and Dad have had one, they're overdue. Today's subject is a common one: her mother.

It also starts as they commonly do: with him bitching about her mother.

Slamming her book shut, she explodes on him.

"You know, in all my fifteen years of existence, I have never heard you say one nice thing about my mother."

He inhales. "Jeanette, this conversation isn't for you."

"Well, yer havin' it right in front of me, and it's about my mother, so..." she shrugs.

His eyes narrow. "Not everything I say about your mother pertains to you."

"Okay, but this does."

He inhales again. "Jeanette I am not going to argue with you about this in front of everyone."

"Oh, but you'll bash her head to pieces in front of everyone? Okay, glad to see where ya stand."

"All I said was that I used to send food home with ya sometimes because yer mother didn't have any at the moment. I never said that was a bad thing."

"No, but you implied it. Because Janine can never do anythin' right. She's such a screwup, she was never meant to be a mother. Except, who's the one who got her pregnant? Oh right, you."

"Yer mother wasn't exactly the fuckin' nicest to me either—"

"Oh, there it is! Provin' my fuckin' point!" She cries, voice getting louder with every point. "'Cuz everythin' is her fault, right? Y'know, there are plenty of times you've screwed me over, too."

He scoffs. "Like when?"

"Like when I was getting my tonsils out, and you couldn't be there because you got kicked out for starting verbal altercations with her."

"So it's all me, huh? Yer mother never started anything."

She throws up her hands, eyes watering. "It's like talking to a fucking brick wall," she mutters to herself, before addressing Negan. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I don't give a fuck about what yer opinion of my mom is?!"

"It's not about that, it's about ya knowin' the truth—"

"Oh yes, the truth," Jeanette growls out. "The truth about what happened, why I exist. Because clearly, she's the homewreck—"

A burst of gunfire sounds from outside, and they both break off. Finally, she snaps, "You should go deal with that," and stalks off to her room. The second the door slams behind her, she collapses onto the floor.

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