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Population in the village was gradually increasing. 
And due to that, a part of the forest –that was surrounding the north and west of the village, was abolished so that, more houses could be built.
The new home construction was also better and more secured than the old houses most villagers lived in. Mostly newly-married or new residents would be living there while some even found it hard to locate a specific house because they weren't used to that area yet.

When a huge amount of tress were chopped off from the north, it also created a shor-cut route for traders who dealt with the village.
After that path had started being used more commonly, people saw that there was a temple not so far –which was previously not discovered.
But since there were many rumors surrounding the place, no one dared to visit it.

But Sieon was an exceptional case. Simple minded residents eventually forgot about the temple and lived without caring about it, but Sieon only needed one excuse to satisfy her curiosity.

Without realizing, a light-headed Sieon was walking on a path that lead to the darkness towards the temple.
She only wanted to clear her head but overthinking intoxicated her. If it wasn't for a certain person, though.

"Sieon?" A low voice called out to her and she got out of her faze.

"San..?" She looked around and then at the man who was holding her arm.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I think I'm the one who should be asking you this," he brought her to a side and fixed her hair before he placed his hands on her shoulders, "Are you alright?"

Sieon, who was still processing her situation, locket eyes with San's concerned ones and nodded her head, talking a step back, "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine to me," he looked around again, "Come with me, I'll drop you off safely."

She removed his hand on her shoulder and shook her head, "I'll go, don't worry."

"How can I not when I found you like this," he was almost yelling as he tried to keep his voice as low as possible.

In any usual situation, Sieon would've glared at him or argued back, but instead, her slightly swollen eyes stared at him tiredly and she let him gently put an arm around her shoulder.

Sieon walked alongside San with soft and quick steps, feeling secured in his grip.

"We're quite daring aren't we?" He whispered and smiled, "Out like this on a Bell Night."

She looked at him for a second as he looked ahead,
"I'm a coward…" she mumbled.

They were back at Sieon's house in no time but San grew concerned again when he head her sniffle lightly.

"Sieon," he asked, "You're worrying me. What is it?"

"If you're really worried about me, you shouldn't have said anything that day."

Realizing that there was more than dropping her off, San entered the unlocked house with Sieon.
"What did I say?"

She looked at him with teary eyes –San could see in the darkness of her house, and looked down, "That day at the wedding…"

He immediately realized what she was talking about because the same thing bothered him too, as he too wondered why he had said that to her.

He shook his head and felt apologetic when he heard her whimper.

"Sieon, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way," he made her sit and looked at her, "But are you really tearing up over ‘that’?"

Instead of a reply, she started to sob quietly, making San feel more miserable.

He placed a hand over her shoulder again, "It is that bitter of a truth? That you can't even accept it?"

She shook her head, looking at him, "I don't know. But since that day, it's been really bothering me. I-" she sobbed, "I've been trying my best to be thankful for what I have but I'm not sure why I can not seem to be happy with anything."

"Then ask… Ask what you want, embrace the things you do and don't have. And accept what you lack and what you wish for," he looked at his hand on her shoulder, breaking the eye contact, "Life doesn't always give you what to want, and it clearly doesn't satisfy all our needs either. But it's up to us to either live in ignorance or accept our fate and face them with confidence."

Sieon who was still looking at him, nodded, "You're right, it's just… I don't even know," she shook her head, "But I'm sorry for making it should like I was upset because of you."

"I'm actually fine with it, as long as I can be of help," he smiled and patted her shoulder before removing his hand.

After a moment of silence, Sieon chuckled, tiredly, "I'm sure whatever happened now will bother me for a while and since I can't sleep, I'll keep overthinking too."

San smiled, "But I'm already here, so I'll just put you to sleep before I leave."


"What? I've done that before too."

Having no energy to decline him either –or maybe she really wanted to sleep. With a little hesitation, Sieon went to lie down on her messed up bed.

San observed her room and realized that the pillow was across the bed, and gave it to her.

"You can take the mattress," she muttered, audible enough for him to hear and he obligated.

It was a matter of moments, comforting silence and soothing presence that made Sieon lull into sleep.

A small smiled crept up San's face when he saw her sleeping.

He slightly frowned remembering what she told him and her situation also made him feel sad for her. But he knew how strong Sieon was and even if he had a purpose to be with her, he had gotten close to her in a way he never would've expected.
The care, caution, and the curiosity he had for her was uncanny.


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