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"Sieon darling," The lady sat on the bed Sieon was on and placed her hand on her daughter's hair, "Why are you not asleep yet?"

The woman wore a simple dress and her hair was tied in a low ponytail which enhanced her youthfulness and she was seemingly someone in her early twenties.

"Mama, I can't sleep without you," Sieon sat up and looked at her mother with tired eyes, "Please sleep with me."

"Baby I'll be here really soon. Baba came back just now, I've given him dinner. Once he's done, he'll come to sleep too."

"I don't like this place." Sieon threw her hands on her lap and looked ahead of her.

Her mother giggled and broght her onto her lap, "We're her for only three days, okay? We'll leave tomorrow night. You know it was important for baba."

"Really, we'll leave soon?" She dilated her sleepy eyes and smiled when her mother nodded, "Okay!"

"Now be a good girl," her mother stood up with Sieon still in her arms, "If you want to wait for me to sleep, how about we go out to Baba? He thought his princess was already sleeping..."


The sun rose earlier than expected for Sieon. If it wasn't the faint sound of a rooster call, she would've been still starring at San's face which was glowing due to sunlight -while being lost in her thoughts.

She changed her clothes from night dress and came back insides, deciding to make some food for both of them.

It was a wierd feeling that someone, aside from her family, stayed at her house for a whole night.

She could clearly see San from her kitchen area. The cabin was so small.

Chaeyoung had sometimes stayed at her house, Sieon had even cooked for her because she lived alone too and enjoyed what she made. The current situation was still different.

Placing the things on her small table, Sieon accidentally dropped a bowl. She winced at the sound but was still thankful that it was empty.

Next thing she saw was a messy haired San sitting up as rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning."

He looked at her with wide eyes and then glanced at his surroundings. "I- what?"

"Um, you were here last night, remember?"

His frowned, pausing for a moment, "Oh, yes. I've disturbed you enough-"

"You know where the washroom is,"
he looked at Sieon confused, "Go, use it, then we can have breakfast."

He didn't say anything and agreed, but his actions were still held hesitation.

By the time he got back, the mattress was folded, the place looked neat and the table looked delicious.

"Thanks for the meal." San said before he started to eat.

Truthfully, he was impressed. It was rare for him to have homemade food and Yeosang wasn't the best at it either. The food in front of him tasted heavenly especially when he was so hungry. He didn't even have dinner the previous night.

"Do you want more?"

"No, this was more than enough, and amazing too."

Sieon lightly laughed and nodded.

"What's the time, by the way?"

Sieon looked above, behind his head and San followed her gaze. "It's 9."

San stood up and rubbed his nape, "I've taken a lot of your time, aren't you usually at shop by now?"

"I am, but it doesn't matter. Chae won't question me."

"Okay... I enjoyed the meal, thank you. I should get going now."

"Sure," Sieon stood too and followed him to the door, "You want to be my friend yet you're being so formal. Are you like this with Yeosang too?"

"No," San turned to look at her and laughed, "I'll be careful next time. Take care."

Sieon saw his back disappear and returned once she couldn't see him anymore.

She cleaned up everything and left for the shop before it got later than it already was.

The sound of bell shop made Chaeyoung sigh as her wait was finally over, "I'm so glad you finally came-" she stopped mid-sentence when she saw who it was, "Oh, Yeji. What brings you here?"

The girl smiled and made herself comfortable in the sofa she just sat on, "Nothing really. How are you?"

Chaeyoung was really confused, "I-I'm fine. But, Why are you here?"

"I came here in place of Jiwon unnie."

"What, why?"

"Don't just stand there, Chaeyoung unnie. Have a seat."

Chaeyoung became concerned and immediately sat opposite to Yeji, "What's the matter?"


"You were with Sieon, whole night?" Yeosang asked his friend as they both walked around an area, having nothing to do at all.

"What's so shocking about it?"

Both the friends had a flower in their hands, they picked up while passing by the park.

Allot of people greeted them as they passed by and a few girls squeaked at their sight too.

At first they used to feel awkward about it, but currently they were a bit used to it.

"No, I mean, She asked you to stay?"

"Yes. She herself offered me to sleep there."

Yeosang nodded as he obtained the information, "Then you must've gotten to know a lot of things!"

San stopped walking and looked around, "You should talk more loudly."

Yeosang rolled his eyes at San's sarcastic comment. "Tell me..."

"I didn't even get to know a few things."

"Then you wasted your time last night."

San sighed, "Thanks for confirming." They both started to walk again but San stopped once more when he realized something,
"She was repeatedly saying that she cannot sleep, and that's just weird because... Yeah it's wired. She really didn't sleep."


"I met Jiwon unnie this morning, and you know what she told me?" Chaeyoung shook her head at Yeji, "She told me she saw San exiting Sieon's washroom and going in her cabin."

Chaeyoung's eyes dilated for a moment before she furring her brows, "So? What's the big deal?"

Yeji sighed, "That means he was probably there the whole night!"


"Jiwon unnie knows, tomorrow everyone will know! Don't you think Sieon have had enough of this?!" Yeji's voice came out louder than expected.

"Calm down Yeji. I agree, Sieon have had enough, but what can I do-"

"Tell her to stop! She already knows her situation and everyone else, I'm shocked she still have guts to do this-"

Yeji was cut off when the shop bell echoed indicating an arrival.

Their heads snapped at the direction where Sieon stood.
a/n: guys, this is the last chapter for now.
I'll be going on a small HIATUS. Yes.
Anyone who actually waits for this story, I hope you can wait more. I'll be back soon :)

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