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"I think we need to talk," San stopped in his tracks and so did Sieon.
"Should we sit somewhere for a moment?"

Sieon didn't want to spend any extra time with San, but she knew that talking it out would clear the situation and also her feelings for San. Hopefully they wouldn't have to be friendly with each other either.

She agreed and both of them decided to sit on a bench in the fortunately, less crowded park.

"Why are you avoiding me?" San asked, sounding a little hesitant.

Sieon looked at him slightly stunned, "How are you still asking me this question?"

"I know," he shook his head, "I mean, all I did was to be honest with you. But I feel like I ruined our friendship."

Sieon scoffed and looked around before turning to him, "Do you not get it? Even if you didn't confess that day, I would still be the acting the same way. Because I don't want to be friends with you."

San sighed in agony and looks at his lap, "Then at least let me care for you."
Sieon turned to him and before she could say anything, he cut her off, "I won't make it obvious, I swear. But please don't change your path when you see me. And if I even happen to see you struggling, let me help you."

"San," she inhaled sharply, "I don't need, your help. I'm fine on my own."

"Alright, if that is what you think," he nodded and stood up, picking the boxes again, "But I will always be there to help you like I am for others."

It was Sieon's turn to sigh and she looked down at the grass, "Stop acting like a heartbroken lover, will you?" She said loud enough for him to hear before proceeding to pick up the boxes, "You're going the wrong way."

He stared at her expressionless, feeling embarrassed and started walking the opposite way.

Sieon shook her head, "Again, the wrong way."
She started walking towards Mrs. Han's residence with San's running behind her to catch up. His actions making her giggle slightly, "Idiot." She muttered as San smiled thankful for the atmosphere which wasn't painfully uncomfortable anymore.

Things felt definitely better after Sieon had a talk with him.
Though not as often, but whenever she saw him, she would keep the same route. And he wouldn't involve with her unnecessarily either.

Soundless air and dark atmosphere was all over the village. The Bell Nights have been increased over time, but everyone had accepted it helplessly, as if they were ready for something like this.
No questions. No protests.
No curiosity.

Sieon clearly remembered the stories she had heard and the events she had witnessed.

"A group of people was seen from the west. But it was very unclear."

"What if it wasn't a group of ‘people’?"

"Traders have seen a temple somewhere in the woods."

"No one knows about it."

"There is no access."

"It is haunted by the spirits of the dead."

And so many other such things.
All unconfirmed.

There was indeed a temple which Sieon had also seen. But, were all the talks surrounding it true? Was it actually haunted?

"I want to go there again," Sieon told herself and turned on her mattress. Feeling uncomfortable because she did not feel like sleeping at all, and uneasy because she didn't like the dark.

She turned again, and again. And eventually got on her feet. She moved to get a hold of her sweater and then towards the door, but before she could open it, memories from the previous visit revived in her head.

After an argument with herself and a lot of convincing, Sieon finally decided, "Alright, I won't go today."
But she was sure she would go there again, soon.

"Chaeyoung, you forgot to take this with you," Sieon handed her friend a packed order.

Chaeyoung who had returned from delivering another order a few minutes ago, groaned and shook her head, "No!" She whined.

"What do you mean ‘no’? The fact that you packed it today means you had to deliver it today as well."

"Sieon," Chaeyoung called her sweetly.

"No way!" Sieon knew where this conversation was going and stood up in denial.



"Please, Sieon."

"Chaeyoung…" after looking at her friend's pout, as she continued to convince her, Sieon gave up because the order was due today and Chaeyoung was determined not to leave the shop again.

She walked with grumpy steps towards the market, and she felt like the past few minutes were passing awfully slow. And the route feeling longer than usually.

She groaned and stomped, sighing thankfully when the shop appeared in her sight.

"Here's your order." She placed the basket on the table and took a deep breath.

"Thanks, Sieon," the owner turned his attention back to the young man he was dealing with when Sieon came, "Look, I think you should ask someone else. I really don't know their address."

The young man sighed and turned to Sieon, "Um, do you know Yeosang and San here?"
She nodded and the man's face lit with hope, "Then do you perhaps know where they both live?"

Sieon looked at the owner and back at the man, clearing her throat, "I'm not completely sure but I do know the area–"

"Perfect!" The man cut her off and grinned, "Can you please take me there?"

Sieon awkwardly laughed, "But I have to get the payment here and–"

"Oh, don't worry about it," she was again cut off but this time by the owner of the shop, as he took out the amount he needed to pay and gave Sieon and extra coin with it, "Drop this lad off to where he is asking you to, okay. He's a guest for all of us."

She took the money and forced a smile, nodding as she asked the man to follow her.
As they walked side by side, Sieon looked at the man observed him; he had tanned skin, fit body, black silky hair, similar to Yeosang's, and a mole under his eye.

He turned his head and smiled when he saw Sieon staring at him, "Is there anything you want to say?"

She shook her head looking away, "I've never seen you here and even Mister said you're a guest. I suppose you're here for a visit."

"For now," he chimed and looked at her, seeming easygoing and talkative, "I'm a friend of San and Yeosang."

"Are you also from the mountains?"

He nodded, "Are you also friends with them?"

She stopped in her tracks for a moment, "I'm not sure if we consider each other friends but I definitely know them since I've dealt with them before."

She stopped once they were near enough and even though she knew where they lived, she decided to give him verbal instructions instead, "You see that tree there, go left from there and turn right into the third street, the corner most house is where San and Yeonsang live."

"If you know where they live, can you not take me there?" He was asking very politely and Sieon felt bad turning him down.

"Actually I have a few more deliveries to make before sunset," she lied, "I'm sorry…"

"No, please. It's completely fine. Thank you, actually!" He looked around and took a deep breath, "By the way, I didn't get your name..?"

A little hesitant, but Sieon bowed slightly, "I'm Sieon, and I am a seamstress."

"It was nice meeting you Sieon," he smiled again, "I'm Wooyoung."

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now