La Vie En Rose

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A/N: Buckle up for the end because I have a special announcement regarding the next chapter.

Golden Age Room

Woody: *Snore* Mantis...*Snore* Cherry...*Snore*

Ashlee: *Muffled voice until she kicks open the door with a grin on a face and a gleam in her eyes* Gooooood morning, Woody!

Woody: *Springs out of bed with a similar facial expression* Gooooood mornin', Ashlee! *Expression drops to one of confusion* Wait, this is weird.

Tony: *Slowly rises up from bed with light eye bags under his eyes* Yeah, weird that you interrupted my dream! It was a really good one too, I was about to meet The Great Mighty *Starts howling* PoOoOoOo!

Ashlee *Looks at him and clicks her tongue* Jeez. *Turns back to Woody* I'm just excited since today is the day!

Woody; *Gasps and starts smiling like he did before*   You realizes your love of shrimpo hunting and everything it stands for?!

Ashlee: *Says still in a cheerful tone* Hell no! *Slaps a letter in his face*

Woody: *Lifts the letter off his face with a mildly annoyed expression* *Puts on his reading glasses* Let's see here... *Mutters while reading the letter and looks up at Ashlee* You got the interview with Pinkie Pie?

Ashlee: *Puts her hands on her hips and laughs joyously* Yep, your girl right here contacted Pinkie through a call and email. In return we got a handwritten letter telling us she has time today! It actually came with a gift basket. *Pulls out the basket of sweets* What kind of muffin are you interested in since she has muffins of three berries?

Woody: *Lightly chuckles* She really is as sweet as honey isn't she? Does she have any with blackberries?

Ashlee: *Pulls out a blackberry muffin with a grin* She does actually, that's one of the berries! There's also of course blueberry muffins and strawberry muffins.

Woody: *Gives the muffin a close look* Honey can be sweet, but it can also lead to a sticky situation.

Ashlee: Oh come on Woods, don't be a Yeehaw Batman right now. Not this early in the morning. Just enjoy the kind gesture. It's just two best friends enjoying some good as #%#% muffins.

Woody: *Chuckles and raises his hands in defense * Alright, Alright. *Takes a bite out of the muffin and his eyes widen* That's a really good muffin.

Ashlee: I know right?!

Mario: *Enters the room* Good morning Woody, oh hey Ashlee.

Ashlee: *Smiles and waves at Mario* Hi Mario!

Woody: Howdy, just woke up to a treat. Got a gift basket from someone Ash and I are about to talk to for the case today.

Ashlee: *Playfully rolls her eyes* Me and Ash, we are your friends, not English teachers.

Woody: *Smirks* Okay, ME AND ASH are going to be going to Sugarcube Corner today for some questioning.

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