Chapter Thirty-Five; Lies of a Criminal; Barry West-Allen

Start from the beginning

" Nora, " he interrupted, kindly, " You never have to apologize for wanting to spend time with me. I mean, I want to spend every second that I have with you and your mother. You two are the most important people in the world to me."

" Thanks dad." Nora smiled up at him, as they left the Med Bay and started down the Hallway of Feelings towards their next spot to search.

Barry's heart glowed.

Everytime that she calls me that, it makes me happier than she'll ever be able to realize.

" And you two are the most important people in the world to me."

Barry smiled down at his wonderful daughter.

I would do anything for you, Nora.

" So, the first time that I got trapped in here was right after Zoom stole my powers..."

Thirty minutes later...

Barry and Nora were now much deeper into Star Labs/The Flash Museum, having checked numerous places on their way through. They were headed towards Cisco's lab next, as it was the closest place to them.

" Wow! You escaped and got your powers back!" Nora exclaimed as Barry reached the end of his story.

" Yep, I'm not gonna lie, pretty impressive isn't it," he grinned, playfully.

" It sounds so schway!! I don't think that I could ever do that." she said, sheepishly.

" Hey, don't sell yourself short. You're stronger than I'll ever be, just still a little inexperienced, that's all. Nothing that a little more training and one-on-one time with me can't fix." Barry smiled.

Nora looked at the ground as they continued to walk, trying to avert her eyes from her father.

" Yeah, that sounds great."

There was clearly something that she was holding back, and he already had a good idea of what it was.


He knew because he could feel it pumping through his own veins at that very moment, fear of the things that he could see here, of what he would find here.

Fear of remembering the things that he had failed to do, the people that he had failed to save. And he had no doubt that she was feeling the same things about her own fears too.

Can I really give her good advice if I'm just as scared as she is?

They entered Cisco's Lab, finding it contorted like the rest of Star Labs/The Flash Museum. It seemed like the space had been converted into a gallery of Team Flash's tech in the future, as various displays showcased tech such as Cisco's cold gun, the speed tachyon device, and even the first prototype for an extrapolator, and half of a high hung sign read 'Hall of Ga".

Littered throughout the space was present day Cisco's equipment, including his desk which laid covered with small trinkets as it usually did.

An odd thing about the room was that there was red light coming from the cracks in the wall, that seemed a little... brighter? Almost like it was pulsating.

EIther way, it looks pretty foreboding.

As they began searching the space, Barry decided to press Nora about what was bothering her.

I don't like seeing her upset, and whatever fear she's feeling, I know she can get through it. But I want to be there for her when she does. To make sure she knows that I'm her for her.

" Nora, I can tell that something's wrong." Barry started, his tone quiet and understanding.

" What? No, I'm fine dad."

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