Ch.20 Her Bruises, My Pain

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You never felt more pathetic...

Eyes instantly bubbling with water, your rested your chin over Jungkook's shoulder. Eyes stuck to the floor and all you saw was tiled floor and feet of people who swayed along the beat.

Jungkook slightly pulls you away from him, as an reaction you flinch, hands fisting the fabric over his chest. His unsure eyes turned attentive noticing your unusual actions.

"I am sorry, are you perhaps uncomfortable?" He questions concerned, pulling himself away.

"Gonna use the bathroom" you stammered, instantly pacing your way, lurking into the crowd.

And all you knew was a presence that followed you all the way here. Your lower lip trembled, hands turning clammy with sweat forming upon your closed fists followed by your forehead.

And the next moment you were again enduring what you never wanted to...


"Yn hasn't returned yet, it's been solid fifteen minutes" Jungkook's tone was hesitant, as he gulped down a good chunk of vodka.

"She changed you 360° didn't she?" Jimin teased, pouring himself another glass of tequila gracefully.

"I am worried" The younger male mumbles, placing his glass down before he went to the direction you went into.


His heartbeat had picked a uneasy pace when he couldn't find you for the next ten minutes anywhere, he even had his hyungs searching for you.

Fishing for his phone he plays the camera footage instantly, the screen beguns with your terrified figure waddling into the corridor, his eyes bulged when a hand pulled you into the restroom while muffling your screams.

"The ones who don't want to survive..."

Ruthlessly kicking open the locked oak door, he searched for the switch board as the void darkness held him back from whatever wrench he was about to witness.

Inhaling a deep breathe, his fingers flick over. A instant gasp creaking right from his heart that dropped into his stomach.

A lump formed hastily upon his throat, immediately lunging at your knocked out frame.

He held you up in his arms, running out at whatever speed his body could endure.

"SeokJin Hyung!!" He yelled, showcasing his wife's injured state to the doctor by profession.

"Calm down Jungkook!" Namjoon stated, keenly watching Jungkook's haste breathes and almost moist eyes with wavering hands.

"How can I?! And you-" he pinpoints a guard at a corner, "- none should step out of this place until I have the hold of the culprit."

• • •

Drawing soft circles and random shapes upon the back of your palm, he cupped your knuckle bringing it close as he snuggles his cheek into it.

His eyes scanning every other cut and bruise seemingly too painful to be witnessed by his full of love orbs that seek for you.

"They're sprawled upon your skin... Why am I hurt? It's your blood... Why am I missing a portion? It's your heart yet my beats halted..."

Just like that, he rests his upper body upon your gently applying almost to no pressure, as he closes his eyes.

"Don't Come Near Me!!"

Startled, Jungkook jolts awake. Looking around for visible danger but only finds you crying and sobbing with palms hooding your face.

"My Queen? Look at me... Pleasee..." He requests, voice tender as he peaks your forehead as gently as he could to not freak you out.

Unexpectedly, you jump over him gathering all of him in your hold as to never let lose and drift...

Jungkook offers you a glass of water which you drink within a second ending up choking.

"Careful~" He had every idea how injured your back was, so instead he ran his finger upon your shoulder softly.

"Take deep breaths, honey..." You do as he says, holding his fingers captive in your's as you suck in breathes.

"J- Kook, my throat aches-" You spoke for the first time after a while as he nods relieved once he heard your tone ring again.

He remains hesitant, "it's because of your constant screams and cries... I am such a bad person who can't ever take care of his own wife and expects everything to he settled without any efforts from me!!"

He suddenly briefs, clenching his palm around the hem of his shirt. "I- Just sleep- we'll have a conversation tomorrow, hmm?"

You nod closing your eyes as you shift into the duvet. He stood up, staring at you for a moment before he walks out furiously.

• • •

"How *Kick* Dare *Punch* You *slap* Touch *punch* My *kick* Wife!! *Stab* Throw this shit bag out!!"

"Find the real fucker! He's just a pawn!"

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