The Obsidian Arrow: Chapter 33

Start from the beginning

            “Anaela, I want you.” Searon said holding her tight. “I need you.”

            Her mouth opened in a gasp as she stared up at him but before she could form a thought Searon leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. Both of them held in breaths as they kissed and a spark came over them, electricity like lightning from the gods above came over them and seemed to feed on each other like kindling on an fire. They seemed to melt into each other, both unaware of the worries they spoke about only moments before. In that instant nothing else mattered, there was no war going on, no pesky faeries to worry about; it was only them. Together they felt like they could accomplish anything.

            Searon pushed her back inside and she felt obliged to follow his lead. Their lips didn’t part as they moved but seemed to dance in a form that matched their movements. Each moved from top lip to bottom and back again, letting a tongue slip between each other’s lips from time to time. At first they were gentle kisses but as they neared the bed they became more intense with such passion that neither fully realized they had for each other. They melted into each other like butter left out in too much sun, become one with each other. Each heart beat matched the others, fast at first, but soon gentle and slow. He pulled off her green silk dress that she had slipped on over her nightgown and found that he had to take off the gown next until her small clothes were exposed once more. She tore at robes, exposing his bare chest once again, but she didn’t stop there as she nearly ripped off his sleeping breeches.

            He slammed her on the bed where they continued to kiss for a few moments before he kissed her all over her soft skin body, making her moan ever so lightly. He kissed all around her neck down to around her small clothes and all the way back up to her lips. As his lips met hers again he slid his left hand behind her back where it undid the strap holding her lacy green small clothes tops on. She didn’t try to stop him this time, but only shivered at his touch. He climbed on top of her, both now without clothes and stared deep into her eyes. As he leaned in for a final kiss a scream could be heard from outside.

            He turned around and heard more screams echo through the forest and the sound of thrashing. Anaela slipped past him and put her small clothes back on. She rushed to the window and gasped, turning back around to face him with fear in her eyes.

            “What is it?” He asked as he returned his breeches back to his waist. 

            She didn’t speak, but continued to stare blankly out the window before abruptly turning around and securing her green and silver plate mail and cape on. Searon slowly walked forward, uneasy about what he was about to see. He grabbed his plate mail and secured it over leather garments before edging his way to the window. Outside he saw a nacropis destroying trees and plants all around the faerie settlement. Many faeries were shrieking as they attempted to attack the creature, yet many of their arrows and small swords were ineffective to the creature. Some of their magic pushed it back, but Searon knew that they would not be able to contain the nacropis.

            He grabbed his claymore, sheathed it into the scabbard, and dashed out of the door behind Anaela. Both of them arrived to the mother faerie as the other council members surrounded her. Many cast vile looks towards both Searon and Anaela, but he paid them no need, his attention to that of the mother faerie only.

            “Did you bring this creature onto us?”

            “I would never do such mother, and neither would this creature be clever enough to follow us. We can fight it, but you must restore us to our natural size.”

            She nodded and touched both Searon and Anaela against their foreheads. Both felt tingling magic enter their head and shiver down their entire body as they grew. They felt swollen as they grew as if their entire body expanded tenfold with the throbbing of a bee sting. Searon took off his gauntlet and started at his sparkling hand until it seemed to settle and look normal again. His mouth was wide with amazement at the magic, but after a glare from Anaela he closed it, and put his gauntlet back on.

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