The Obsidian Arrow: Chapter 33

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            “I am worried. Without the help of these faeries, at least their magic in some way, I do not feel that we can overcome the army that approaches Sudegam.” She said.

            “I understand, and yet I feel if we stay here too much longer that we will be too late. It would not take them long to find out we have left.”

            “This tension of an upcoming battle that we may not be able to win has me stressed. I needed to feel comfort last night, something to put my mind at ease.”

            Searon turned around and put his arms around her, holding her tightly, not wanting to let go. She allowed him too, resistant at first, but soon she embraced him just at tightly. He felt her tremble in his arms and it was heartfelt to him. She looked up to him with watered eyes, shivering at his gentle touch, wanting nothing more than to stay secure in his arms forever. Searon knew it, but he also knew that she would never admit to it, and that thought saddened him slightly, nonetheless he would never give up hope.

            “You do know that we could never be.” Anaela whispered grabbing his hand in hers.

            “Why, why do you fight the connection that you know we have?”

            “Elves cannot be with humans. It is not permitted; it has always be so, and will always be. It is forbidden.”

            “By whose judgment? Who is it that sets forth these ridiculous rules?”

            “The king.”

            “Elsargast?” Searon uttered. “The king is dead, who is it now that brings such fear into your heart?”

            “What if he was right? What if there was a reason behind it? What if the reason he has forbidden elves and humans is because it is a danger to mix the two races? Have you ever thought of that Searon, burn you!” She shook with tears cascading down her face as she turned to face him. “Well I have! I have thought about it every day since I’ve met you! Every day I have to decide whether to follow my head or my heart, and I never know if I’m making the right choice. Do you know what it’s like to be so unsure of yourself? Not only do I not know where I come from, but I’m having a hard time figuring out where I’m supposed to go. For if elves cannot be with humans for some reason than my heart is wrong, and the pain I feel inside of it is just. However, if it was the king’s ploy to keep the races separate than this needless hurt I feel inside is foolish when all I should do let you take me into your arms as has been on my mind since I’ve met you.”

            Anaela had pushed away from Searon during her speech but he drew her back in close and held her tight. “Shh,” He said, “Everything will be alright.” He stroked her hair gently in his hands as he clutched her tight against him. Her head rested against his chest where she sobbed uncontrollably, soaking into the thick fabric of his crimson robe.

            “All I want is to know what I should do.” She whispered.

            “Those words of discouragement were of the high elf king. You do not know what your own wood elf king or queen would have to say. I did not trust Elsargast when he was alive, and felt that he was hiding much. I say that one way or another that we find the truth to this, because never in my life have I met someone as special as you. Your beauty if undefined by any word, your grace is beyond that of any butterfly, and your wisdom excels that of any scholar. I am entranced by you, as I have not been in such a long time.”

            She pulled away only slightly to look up into his eyes, all worry seeming to distinguish. Her face looked serene and expression bliss. Shivers trembled down her from head to toe as she got lost in his green eyes and trembled once more.

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