Accidental Wolf

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I watched the clouds, oddly white and visible despite it moving midnight. I always found it strange that the clouds at night in winter were always so bright. But my visibility was steadily getting worse. A snowstorm was brewing and I was stuck out in it.

After six hours on a bus, I found myself in a dinky town way off any well ridden road. I had been on my way to port a Basque to catch the ferry to Nova scotia when the driver spun off the road. The moron driver had been drunk and went the wrong way on top of it all...

We were lucky the bus didn't tip over or worse to be honest. I was the only passenger at the time and had to wrestle the driver's cell from him to call the police.

Once the cops showed up and arrested the driver, I was informed that I was actually some where west of the 403. The drunk bus driver had taken a wrong turn. Several of them. So, one of the cops drove me to a near by town that had a small bus terminal with a pay phone. It was late but the terminal was supposed to be open in a couple hours.

The young cop was a little hesitant to leave me here but, really, there was not much better place to leave me, and I wanted to be on my way as soon as possible. 5his was just not my year.

So, I had called the bus company and complained. The lady on the phone was very apologetic and informed me that once the banks opened, I would be given a full refund as well as a free ride to wherever my destination was. I thanked her and resigned myself to wait.

Unfortunately, I was now waiting outside in below freezing temperatures with a snowstorm quickly rolling in.

I pressed myself against 4h3 glass wall of the terminal, attempting to get some shelter from the wind and large snowflakes. My red hoodie was not cutting it as proper winter attire, even with the white sweater I wore 7nder it. At least my fur lined leather boots kept my toes from being frost bitten.

I rubbed my thin hands together inside the front pocket of the hoodie and blew out a frustrated breath that came out in a billow of white smoke.

This time last year my mother, my last living relative, died. A boating accident with her live-in boyfriend. My mother hated boats, but he convinced her to go. He managed to pull through with nothing more than a twisted ankle and wet camping gear.

Still, Mom was all I had left tiring me to Newfoundland and her memory was slow torture. I decided to travel Canada. So, once my mothers affairs were in order and I had her buried in a very nice plot in the Corner brook graveyard- the city she grew up in- I began making plans.

Money was no concern. I had been a conceptual artist behind one of the hottest online games on the market and have been and would continue to be, paid well for my work.

No, the only thing preventing me from leaving was a directionally challenged drunk driver. Some how the lush had driven in exactly the wrong direction leaving me stranded in some unheard-of town north of Cowhead.

Aspenwood was a town I had never heard of. But Newfoundland was chocked full of little, nondescript, towns so I was not surprised. I was also unsurprised that I hadn't seen another person yet. Not only was it midnight in the middle of a snowstorm but it was also a town of probably less then a thousand people.

I was surprised to hear a howl, however. My first panicked 5hought was 'wolves', but that was very unlikely. It's not like wolves roamed the island. I remember that in high school biology I was told that the Newfoundland wolf went extinct over 100 years ago. No, it was likely a dog.

Still, I couldn't relax. My arm hairs were on end, and I couldn't help squinting into the blowing snow. I saw nothing.

I had just begun to relax again, checking my watch for the hundredth time, when I heard more unfamiliar noises in the eerily quiet area.

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