A Warship Otaku Gets a Fleet in Another World

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Hello, I am Kazuhiro Kasami.

My second story, "I Got a Fleet as a Reincarnation Bonus, but They're All Quirky!!" is about to start.

The main focus of this story is weapons from the Second World War. I'm sure I'll be missing a lot of things, but I hope you will give me a warm welcome.


I died.

At least, I should be.

My name is Asahi Okura, a military geek salaryman who worked for a certain shipping company in Japan.

It's been a few months since the new Coronavirus, which caused widespread and prolonged chaos in the world, was brought under control, and I have been reasonably busy again. Specifically, I went to Southeast Asia to see the remains of the former Japanese military, many of which still remain after more than 80 years. However, when I was on the plane, I found that my consciousness was fading away from overwork.

"Come to think of it... I didn't take a break for nearly a month... Mikasa... Yamato Museum... I wish I could have gone there again..."

Those were my last words before I died.

I am indeed dead. I don't know how to describe it, but I am definitely dead. However, I... Asahi Okura, am definitely somewhere.

I can't really express this 'somewhere,' but I exist. I was trying to put all these thoughts together in my mind. It was then...

With a blinding light, something appeared. The light subsided a bit, allowing me to open my eyes to take a look.

"...A woman?"

Standing before me was a woman with a kind face and a warm expression. What would you call her, a goddess?

The cloak-like garment she was wearing seemed to be of very high quality, indicating that she was highborn. And what was surprising was that the cloak looked like an ordinary Japanese kimono.


What blurted from my mouth, as I was admiring her, was a very cringy question.

"Is this heaven?"

The woman shook her head.

"If I were to use your human language, I would describe this place as a 'divine realm.' It is not a place for reincarnation, where human souls are reborn into a new life. It is a place of a higher dimension than your idea of existence, which you describe as heaven."

Apparently, I am now in a higher dimensional realm, as described in the remake of a certain space battleship anime.

"Errr, did I... just die?"

Then, the woman's expression suddenly turned into a forlorn one. Huh, did I say something I shouldn't say!?

"Yes. Mister Asahi Okura. You have definitely ended your life on earth."

Ah, so it was true after all... But on the contrary, there is a part of me that is relieved to have the confirmation.

Wait, that's not comforting in the slightest.

"Pardon me for not introducing myself. I am in charge of looking after the people of your world, especially those in your country... Japan... yes, that's right. If I had to put it in human terms, I would say that I am the Sun Goddess."

I Got a Fleet as a Reincarnation Bonus, But They're All Quirky!!Where stories live. Discover now