CXVI (last third NSFW)

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The words "make love" reverberated through Brett's hollow brain, making him all woozy and his ears very, very hot.

He gulped and tried: "Uhm..."
"Oh", Eddy made, his voice surprised, "so, no?"
"I actually really just wanted to take you out for dinner... there's no need for you to repay me in any way..."
What was it with Eddy turning Brett into a stuttering, blushing idiot all the time? Brett shook his head and tried to gather his wits.
But Eddy didn't stop. He smiled, self-confidence personified, and said: "What if I WANT to repay you?"
Oh hell, Brett wanted too! Of course he did! But he was also scared as fuck. Again!
"What if I hurt you?", he asked quietly.

Eddy's smug expression softened. "Love, did you like what we did last time?"
"Of course! I loved it!"
"And I was afraid I'd hurt you too. But you trusted me, and I trust you too."
Brett inhaled deeply and scrunched his eyebrows. "I don't think I trust me..."
"Neither did I, to be honest. And you felt so good I really had a hard time holding myself back." Brett's blushing intensified. "And when I knew you liked it too, I was super relieved. But until then, there was always that thought in the back of my head that I might hurt you."
"So you're saying I'll worry all the time, even when we're... at it?"
Eddy chuckled. "What I'm saying is, that it's probably normal to worry because it's all very new for us. But I really do trust you. And I really wanna try it out too, you know."

Somehow, that did it. Eddy wanted to try this, and Brett would try to make sure he was going to have the best experience possible. Brett straightened his back and looked at Eddy with what he hoped a firm gaze.
"Alright", he nodded, "let's finish our food and then, I'm gonna take you home."
The light shade of red tinting Eddy's cheek was a real treat to look at, Brett found. He smiled, picked up his chopsticks again and threw the rest of the ingredients into the soup.

It was a similar vibe like when they'd headed home from the botanical garden the other day. Brett was a bit too nervous to really get into the mood, but Eddy's shiver now and then didn't escape Brett's attention and when he glanced down while they were waiting for their uber, Brett could clearly see the outline of Eddy's excitement.
"Who's having troubles now?", Brett mumbled into Eddy's ear, causing the other to inhale sharply.
"Yeah, sue me for wanting you right now."
It didn't take long after Eddy's statement till Brett's pants suddenly got a bit too tight. Good thing they didn't take the metro home.

Sitting in the back of their uber was almost impossible without immediately pound on each other as soon as the car door closed. Instead, Brett had to settle with putting his hand on Eddy's thigh without the driver noticing and relished in the way Eddy looked at him in return, the fire behind his golden frames burning intensely.
Oh, how much he loved seeing this fire!

When the driver went full speed on the highway, Eddy leaned over and breathed: "You have no idea how much you turn me on!"
Breathing was suddenly immensely difficult and Brett's dick twitching didn't help one bit. He crossed his legs, swallowed hard and tried to concentrate on the passing landscape outside the window. His hand never left Eddy's thigh though.

The drive home had never taken longer, the anticipation was almost unbearable and Brett was pretty sure the driver must have felt the tension building up inside the car. When they finally reached their building, they more or less stormed inside and Brett pressed the elevator button an embarassingly amount of times considering him being an adult.

"God!", Eddy huffed as he pressed Brett against the back wall of the elevator as soon as the door closed, claiming his mouth furiously.
"Oh, Eddy...", Brett mouthed, pushed his pelvis against his love and discovered through the fabric of their jeans, that Eddy was just as hard as he was. Of course he was! He groaned, searched for Eddy's tongue with his and soon, they were engaged in a heated dance, taking each other in.
"Fuck...", Eddy breathed. The elevator reached their floor way too soon and not quick enough at the same time and when the familiar 'ping' sounded, they jumped apart, panting hard.

"Let's go inside." Brett took Eddy's hand, pulled him along and fumbled with the keys in front of their apartment, driving himself insane with how uncoordinated he was. When he finally managed to open the door, they both sent their shoes flying and practically ran into Brett's room.

"Shit, Eddy! I have no idea how I'm gonna last!", Brett admitted breathlessly, while he observed Eddy taking off his shirt, revealing his marvelous upper body.
"Love, don't think I will either! So let's have round one and then start the serious business after?"
"Good idea!"
Brett pressed Eddy down on his bed, dropped on his knees in front of him and positioned himself in between Eddy's legs. He opened Eddy's signature gucci belt, pulled down his fly and boxers and let his gorgeous love spring free. Eddy threw his head back, clearly gone already without Brett having even touched him yet.
Brett glanced up at his best friend and saved the picture for all eternity, before he softly brushed his hand over Eddy's erection.
"Ohhhh, Brett!", Eddy moaned, a symphony to Brett's ears. He grinned, licked his lips and took Eddy into his mouth without further ado as deep as he could from the beginning, knowing that Eddy was close.
Eddy groaned loudly and bucked his hips. Brett doubled down, closed his right hand around the base and moved up and down quickly, all the while flipping his tongue over Eddy's tip, relishing the velvety softness and hot hardness from his love.

It didn't even take five seconds for Eddy to explode spectacularly into Brett's mouth, emptying himself with a toneless scream, his jaw slack and eyes scrunched closed. Brett sucked all of him, drew it out as long as possible, made it good, showed Eddy how much, oh how much he loved him.

"Oh fuck! Brett!", Eddy said hoarsely after a short while. Brett came up, sat on Eddy's lap and kissed him fiercly.
"That any good?", Brett managed.
"God, yes! I'll show you, how good it was!"
Eddy reached down, opened Brett's trousers and almost sent Brett flying with simply gracing his erection through the fabric of his clothing.
"Fuck", Brett mouthed, the waves sending goosebumps all over his body. Yeah, it was a real good idea to take off some steam first before he'd be with Eddy in a different way, otherwise he'd probably come while simply laying beside him naked.

That's why Eddy only had to close his lips around Brett in return, bob his head twice and Brett already came hard, pouring himself into his love while moaning loudly.

"Fuck, Eddy! I love you so much!", he said, while the waves overtook him and consumed him wholly.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now