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The date Brett and Eddy had set for their first video after their hiatus was approaching, which meant they had to film it at some point for their editor to work on.
"What would you like to do?", Eddy asked, the end of a pencil between his lips and an empty piece of paper in front of him.
"How about we play them something?", Brett suggested.
"They're gonna listen to the three mil soon", Eddy remarked and scratched his head.
"True..." Brett tapped a finger against his temple in an attempt to revive his braincells. "What about something more personal?"
Eddy looked at him. "What do you have in mind?"
"Talk about what happened to me?"
It was silent for a short while, before Eddy asked: "Really?"
"Yeah, why not?", Brett shrugged
"I don't know... it's quite personal. You sure you okay with sharing this?"
"I mean... I think so. We don't have to disclose any details, but I'm pretty sure people have their own theories already. Telling them a bit how it was might help. And you know, the usual, say hi to them, maybe say something about the three mil..."
Eddy nodded slowly. "I like that..."
"Good! Then it's settled!"

The taller wrote down a rough sketch of their ideas while Brett observed him, his mind already filled with something that had nothing to do with their channel whatsover.

After they'd kind of decided on who was going to try what, Eddy had felt a bit bad for letting Brett deal with the choice of position. After all, he could have spared Brett all the agonizing if he'd just settled for something, really. So Eddy had offered to prepare the rest, meaning setting date, time and whatever that had to be done or obtained before they could go to town on each other.
Brett hadn't objected, finding it only fair if he wasn't the one who had to get lube for example. Life had been embarassing enough for him, so thanks a lot.

Now, it had been two days since their conversation and it wasn't surprising, that Eddy took his time. It suited his sense of being mysterious and Brett would have been okay with it, if it wouldn't be driving him insane with nervousness.

To not know when Eddy would want to do something also built up a certain tension. There were touches here and there, there were short and lingering kisses and there were these intense moments of stares between them, where Brett could see that scorching fire burn in Eddy's eyes. But they didn't do anything to resolve the tension. Yet.
So it built... and built... until Brett was sure he'd combust if Eddy would do so much as trace an innocent finger down his spine or something.

"When would you like to film this?", Eddy pulled Brett out from his reverie.
"Oh, uhm.. soon, I guess?"
"How about tomorrow?"
Brett really hoped Eddy wasn't going to wait any longer, otherwise filming with a more or less straight face would prove itself difficult tomorrow.
"Tomorrow's good."
"Great!" Eddy scribbled the date for filming above his notes. "And what do you wanna do today?"
It was only morning, so a whole day which they could fill with fun things to do for which they wouldn't have time for anymore as soon as they'd start working again.
A good question, really.
And did that mean, Eddy didn't have any plans for them?

"Dunno. Any ideas?", Brett tried to test the waters.
"Hmmm...", Eddy made, "what about the aquarium?"
There was probably nothing less sexy then some fish in Brett's very non-ichtyologic opinion.
"Isn't that closed due to the pandemic?"
"Oh, might be... what about museums and stuff?"
"Guess we have to look it up."

In the end, they settled for the botanic gardens in hopes of getting some fresh, maybe cooler air in the midst of one of those typical Singaporean high temperature days. It was a bit further away, so they had to take the metro in order to reach their destination.

"I can't believe we've never been here!", Eddy exclaimed, his expression visibly relaxed and open behind his shades.

"Right? No wonder it's part of the UNESCO world heritage or something."
Eddy whirled around. "It is? Legit?"
"I think so."
"Woow", he made and had a lot of resemblence with that child just five meters away. Brett sniggered and felt himself relax too.
This had been a very good idea. The park near their apartment was fine, but the vast gardens gave them such a sense for freedom a big city park just couldn't provide.

They strolled through the lucious greenery, admired the stunning, colorful flowers of the orchid garden and watched the impressive leaves of the lotus flower on some pond. Eventually, their legs carried them through some big arches to a small, cozy white gazebo.
"Have a seat with me?", Eddy cooed, sat down and patted the space next to him. When Brett slumped down, Eddy immediately drew him close, burried his nose in Brett's hair and inhaled deeply.
"Are you having fun?", Brett asked softly, his fingers enjoying the softness of his partner's hair while brushing through it while he tried to ignore the tingles in his belly.
Eddy bopped his head slightly. "Very much so."
"And you okay with us sitting so close together in broad daylight?"
"I mean, I'd really like to proclaim from the rooftops for the whole world to hear that your mine. Silence those hundreds of fans who want to marry you."
Brett's heart beat quickened. "There are none."
"Of course there are! You're just oblivious."
"Nah! All I see are the heart eyes everyone throws at you."
"Awww, you jealous?"
"Hmmm... Not at all."
Eddy eyed him, looking a tad insulted. Brett laughed.
"What? Why not?"
"That's the only logical reaction for someone who so much as catches a glimpse from you."

What followed was a storm of kisses which were very much not for the public eye to conceive.

"Eddy....", Brett half moaned, his hazy sight trying to make out if anyone was nearing them.
"You sweet talker you...", Eddy mumbled in between kisses.
"You should really stop now, otherwise...", Brett breathed, his pants suddenly getting uncomfortably tight.
Eddy laid his hand directly on Brett's crotch and elicited a long drawn out groan. He looked at Brett, his eyes burning, his gaze hungry.

"I'd like to see what happens otherwise... tonight."

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now