Chapter Ten

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Your pov

Had I done something wrong? Did I upset him?

My thoughts were interrupted by his coming back to his room.

"Cough... I'm sorry. I, uh, kind of lost control of myself. Is there a way I can make it up?"


"What? Uh okay?? I don't understand but alright. Wanna cuddle instead?" I said.

He nodded, got in bed, and lay down behind me. Pulling me close to his plastron, this time resting his head on top of mine.

I just dozed off, unlike him. I don't know what he did but he didn't sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, it was 2:29 am. He wasn't in bed, just in front of his monitors reading some articles.

I whine and get out of bed, walk over to him and hug him from behind.

"Donnieeuhh, come back to bewdd."

"Y/n? Why're you up?"

"I kuld ask you the same fing to you, you no.." I'm not even fully awake, trying to communicate best as I can.

"Y/nnn go to bed. I'll be there in a bit." He whined.

"Nooo, not without you.." I rub my eyes. "Are there any other chairs?" Awake more than asleep.

He looked around sighing, he didn't have that many chairs around, most were in his lab.

He looked like he was internally arguing with himself.

"Unfortunately, I do not have any more chairs. However, nature and science joined forces to mold my thighs into the perfect chair." He patted his lap.


I blushed, fully awake from what he had said.

"I... yeah sure whatever I'll sit with you." I say as I sit down on his lap

"Wait wha- I- um... Okay! I'd rather sleep."

"Wow okay D, whatever cmon." I say as I drag him back to bed.

"Nohohohoo... let me turn off my monitorrr..."

"Nah D, later, now I want cuddles."

I dumped him in bed and snuggled up against him. Dude, he was warm. I made sure he fell asleep before sleeping this time.

When I woke up, D was still with me. It was 8:56 am. I recently noticed that his desk wasn't littered with coffee mugs.

"Good morning Y/nn..." I heard the turtle with me mutter, probably half awake.

"Morning D. Let me out I'm not tired."

"Umm no. You're the one that dragged me here so you're stuck with me."

Damn okay.

"By the way D, I noticed that you don't drink as much coffee as around a few months ago. Do you not like the taste?"

"No, I just sleep a lot more thanks to someone."

"Who??" I chirped excitedly.

"I- Dumb-dumb it's you." He looked at me as if he was judging me.

"Ooh umm yeah, I forgot oops-" I said as I laughed, and he chuckled.

After a few minutes of laying down together, he decided to peck my cheek and get up.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

"Thanks, science boy. I'll be there in a bit, the bed is too warm to leave."

He disappeared, leaving his room. I kind of lied, yeah the bed is warm but I decided to look around his room instead.

It's not like I didn't know the ins and outs of his room, I just wanted to steal a little something like him.

I've been thinking about it at school, wondering what items I could steal without him noticing. All I could think of was a pencil. He doesn't even use them, even though he had built some mechanical ones.

Oh! His extra pairs of glasses, he just wears contacts now so it shouldn't be that obvious.

I grab one of his mechanical pencils, and his old extra pairs of glasses to hide them somewhere in his room that I could pick up before leaving. I'd purposefully left my phone there as an excuse.

I walk down in the kitchen, "Yo guys. I'm going to leave in a bit. I gotta do some things before I come back."

I heard Leo yell "Can you help me with my one-liners when you come back? I'm running low."

"Right Leo whatever, I'll try."

"Thanks Y/n!"

"I'll get going now," I pretend to look around for my phone. "Oh I'm going to check Don's room before I go, I think I left my phone in there."

"I can go get it for you if you want." Don said.

"It's fine I'm not in a rush. I'll get going after I get it."

I walked to his lab, making sure to properly hide both items under my clothing somewhere they wouldn't notice. I grabbed my phone, and headed to the exit.

"Cya'll later!" I yelled as I heard two turtles saying bye, I rushed out the sewers and to my place.

Entering and locking the door behind me, I took out the items.

Looking at the small purple metal pencil in my hand. I don't think it worked with lead but I don't really care.

I get up, walking toward my bedroom to put the pen in my box of pens. Making sure to cover it with a few so it blends in, for the glasses, I could probably hide them somewhere in the bathroom.

I go to the bathroom and pull out a few things from my shelves, I had towels and hygiene products there. I put the glasses in the back and covered it with the things I just took out, worked efficiently.

I walk in my kitchen to get a bottle of water before going to take a shower. It felt great.

I also took a nap afterwards, I needed the energy if I were to going to help Leo with his one-liners, somehow Tet laughed at a few.

Oh yeah Tet, I better text her.

I pull out my phone to do so, asking how she was and such.

She replied immediately, she was always on her phone all the time she should just get off. But whatever that's the way she wants to do things.

We had a conversation before I told her I was going to take a nap, she told me to sleep well.

Damn I want some of her love note thingies, they're nice to ready when I'm down. Even though I'm not sad or anything.

I put my phone on my desk and go snuggle in my bed, I've set an alarm for 1 pm and it was 9:45 am right now, it felt nice.

I dozed off knowing damn well Leo's going to fry my brain when I get there.

Btw yall give me things you'd like to see in this fic here, I have some action planned but I also want your input. Thanks<3

(1144 words total)

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