Prologue continued

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I am so bored that I'm writing this as my bestie shows me jjba memes send help I'm so bored

Hope you enjoy ig

Y/n = your name
F/d = fave drink

3rd person pov

You woke up again, to snickering this time. You shuffled slightly, turning your head towards your door to see Leo, Mikey, and Raph taking pictures of you and Donnie cuddling.

"Ughh.. what're you guys doing? What time is it?" You whined, nuzzling closer to Donnie.

They stopped, looking at you. Mikey started, "It's past noon dude! It's 1:47 pm!" Pausing for a moment, having more of a Doctor Delicate touch look, "And we caught you guys cuddling, so we're taking pictures to blackmail Donnie later on." Turning to you fully.

You chuckled, rolling your eyes. Trying to get out of Donnie's grasp, but he pulls you in closer. "Take a pic, guys! Let me pretend I'm asleep first though." You said, getting in pose, and closing your eyes. You heard Leo's phone click a few times from different angles. Opening your eyes, you poked Donnie telling him to let go. He does, not knowing what's going on since he was half asleep. You get up and go to your living room with the guys to get your day started.

You go to your kitchen cabinets, pulling out a bowl, a spoon, and your favourite cereal. You pull out the milk from the fridge, making sure to put the cereal in the bowl first, unlike some people out there.

As you're eating your cereal and looking at your phone, you hear footsteps coming your way. You look up to see Donnie, walking over to your coffee machine. You smile at him, he nods back.

A few minutes later, he's chugging his cup of straight coffee. Sitting down next to you pokes you on the arm, and reaches close to your ear. "Thanks for carrying the conversation earlier today, I slept fairly well. Would rate it a solid 7.5 out of 10 as an experience. I bet if it's coming from me, it means it's great." He whispers, grinning.

You nod, giving him a small smile before standing up to place your bowl and spoon in the sink.

You walk over to the couch, plop down and sigh. Still feeling sleepy, hearing some footsteps near yours. Mikey flops down next to you, "Jupiter Jim marathon? I'll cover the pizza. And the drinks, you choose the snacks." You recommend.

Mikey jumps up in excitement. "Yes, yes, and yes! Guuuys come over here!! Y/n thinks we should do a Jupiter Jim marathon, get ready!" He yelled.

It's only 2 pm, but burning through the Jupiter Jim movies on a fine Saturday afternoon sounds great. You order several large pizzas, and go out to buy some f/d for yourself.

You come back to the guys decking out your living room with your extra blankets and pillows, with a bunch of snacks from your kitchen cabinets. You set the pizzas down, drinks still in hand. Sitting on the couch with a huge sigh, as Mikey and Leo come sit with you. Raph is on the floor, you see Donnie sitting near the kitchen table, mumbling about something on his phone. You decide not to bother him and start the marathon.

Everything seemed peaceful, everyone enjoying themselves and each other's company. When you heard a loud noise, you looked outside. Everyone looked outside. You walked over to your window and spoke up "Guys, it's just fireworks. But it's only 2:39 pm, I don't understand why this time specifically." They seemed relaxed, turning their attention back to the movie.

Everyone but you and Donatello.

He got up, walked over, and looked outside. He saw some foot recruits over rooftops, running with stuff in hand. He raised his voice, "Foot recruits! Towards 2 o'clock, they must've stolen some things and set the fireworks off as a distraction! Come on guys!" Rushing towards your desk, picking up and putting on his battle shell and gear. Walking towards your window, to look back, his brothers seemed way too distracted to hear anything.

You sighed, despite not having any training and being sure you'll slow Donnie down, you throw his purple hoodie at him. He'd given you one of them a while back just in case of emergencies like this.

"Mind if I come along, science boy?"

"As long as you're stable on my shell, you shan't worry, Y/n. Hurry and get on." He hissed, quickly setting up his battle shell so it acts as a seat, being able to carry you.

Jumping up the fire escape, catching up to the foot recruits. They notice you both, leaving half to fend you off. Donnie fights them off with his Bo staff, as you launch some of his explosive techs at them.

They run away, and you follow them.

After a few solid minutes, you are on top of a bridge that's being built. They fight it out, you still launching any semi-lethal explosives.

You miscalculated.

You missed.

It landed on the part that wasn't done being built yet, you guys had to flee, and quick.

"Donnie! The bridge, shit... I'm sorry! I missed it, I'm panicking! I don't know what to do!" You yelled.

"Y/n get off my back, now! You won't be safe behind my back."

You hopped off, grabbing his hand and waiting for the next move. You run, stumbling after Donnie. Struggling to keep up, he grabs your arm. Pulling you in front of him, grabbing the back of your thighs, and pushing you up against his plastron as he runs. Urging you to wrap your legs around his waist.

"Sorry, no time for consent! I'll apologize later!" He spat out hurriedly.

Donnie activates his back engines, propelling you both forward. Landing on a road, safety. It was safety. You sighed, relieved. Both of you were relieved.

"Well... I know this is stupid now but. Two things, one, you are forgiven. Two, sorry. I'm the reason they got away." You breathe out.

"It's... it's fine, I guess. I don't know what they stole yet, but I hope it is not something valuable. Let's just get back to your apartment before my cover gets blown, alright Y/n?" He sighed.

You both got up, still out of breath from the adrenaline. You noticed Donatello's wounds, light, but still wounds. You ripped a bit of your shirt, covering his largest wound and tightly wrapping it around his arm.

"Let's go home, Donnie. I'll get your wounds treated as soon as I can with my first aid kit."

"Alright Y/n, let us go to your humble adobe."


Haha jokes on you I have no idea what to do and have never written action scenes before. It's only going to get worse in terms of quality and that's great!!1!1!11

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