Chapter Twelve

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Tw,, mentions of weed. Pretty much weed brownies.


Drone-Atello's pov

Alright. It's decided, I'm making weed brownies.

Was it illegal? Yes. Did I give a shit? No.

I'm like 16 let me live my life in one way or another, I gotta be rebellious at some point.

I pull up multiple recipes, combining them into one for the best outcome.

Now all I have to do is buy weed, easy.

It's around 2 am, and I put on my purple hoodie and get out of my lab. Everyone else was sleeping, including Y/n, they were in my bed.

I head to the top side to find anyone that sells weed, and here I am with five and a half grams of weed. Don't ask who my dealer is.

I get back to the lair, pulling up the recipe on my phone as I get the ingredients ready.

Cue the baking montage!

I sped through everything, preparations and such. Now here I am waiting on the brownies as they're in the oven.

I got rid of all of the leftover ingredients, not the weed though. I'd have some use for it later on.

Mikey got out of his room and come over to the kitchen. "Yoo, Don! Whatcha making? It smells good but weird, like stinky." He said as he grabbed a cup of water, chugging it.

"Pot brownies."

"What? You're kidding right?"

"Did I stutter?" I said as I gave him a glare by accident, which probably scared him.

"Sigh, sorry didn't mean to glare. I just put them in the oven."

"It's fine D, but why pot brownies? You could've made anything else."

"Because I can."

"Alright whatever, I'm gonna go back to sleep."

It was like 2:47 am, of course, he's gonna go back to sleep.

Wait, Tet was in his bed.

"Where are you sleeping?"

"The floor? Duh. Anyways, later D."

"Yeah whatever Angelo, night."

I sighed again, why do I even do this?

The needed time passed by, and I pulled the brownies out and cut them up into little rectangles. Putting them on a plate and bringing them to my room, placing them on my desk.

I went ahead and joined Y/n in bed, I actually got sleep because of them.

"Love ya." I whispered, kissing their forehead.

Getting under the covers, relaxing, and eventually falling asleep.

I woke up, and Y/n was looking at the brownies, debating if they should take one or not.

"Don't eat one if you haven't had breakfast..." I said, getting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Why not?"

"They're pot brownies."

"D. Why in living hell did you make them?"

"To eat? Why else."

Y/n sighed. Grabbing one and eating it.

"It's... good but illegal. What the fuck D?"

"I was tired let me be, I'll leave it outside if you don't want to eat 'em." I sighed. Getting out of bed, over to Y/n to hug them.

"C'mon, let's go out and talk with the guys."

Y/n grabbed the plate of brownies, bringing them out to the kitchen and dragging me along.

"Yoo Y/n hi!" Leo chirped.

"What're those?" Tet pointed at the plate.

"Pot brownies." I replied.

"No way dude." Raph burst out laughing.

"Anyone wants some?" Y/n asked.

"Me me!! More illegal, the better! I'll eat some pot brownies, then I'll binge eat. Then I got a little time to complain online because I'm anxious!" Tet cheered.

Everyone looked at them dumbfounded as they ate like 3 brownies.

"Right... Do you need therapy?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, I was told I could go in anytime because they haven't officially registered me as a patient. I just haven't had the time." She said.

"Oh, Dr. Feelings could be your therapist! It's free, and it's great! He's good at that stuff!" Leo said.

He was right.

"Nah, thanks though. I don't need it, nothing wrong with me." She said, man, she was wrong but whatever.

"Tet, there is definitely something off with you. But I won't force it. Just know you can come to us if you need anything." Raph said.

"Thanks, big red." They grinned.

"Alright I'm gonna head home, I'm behind on commissions. I have a few due today. Is that good with y'all?"

"Yeah Tet we're good." Y/n said, others agreeing.

I've been just here silent, not wanting to say anything.

"Alright then. Later bitches!" They grinned, making a weird hand signal. Speed walking out afterward, they had their belongings.

"Well now that's out of the way," Leo started, "Donnie why in living hell did you make pot brownies?"

I coughed, "They aren't even for you guys. They're for me."

"D, do you smoke weed??" Mikey asked, worried.

"Nah, but might as well start. Now gimme the plate Y/n, I'm going to do research."

Wait, the plate is empty.

"Wait these are pot brownies??? Why couldn't you have said so sooner??" Raph was panicking.

"He did!" Leo added, "Why're you worried?"

"Because I ate like 11! Fuuuckkkkkkk." Raph teared up.

"Well with you being you, I think you should be okay. Drink a lot of water and sleep. You probably won't die." I said.

"PROBABLY???" Mikey yelled.

Y/n was dumbfounded.

"Dude, next time either make normal brownies or put a fuckin' label on. And make sure Mikey doesn't go near them." Y/n hissed as they swatted Mikey's hand.

"But... But Tet had some! Not fair..." He looked to the side, pouting.

"Ugh fine, you're lucky I love you, Mike. You can have one. But never again." I said.

"Really?? Thanks, D! Love you too!" He smiled, grabbing a brownie and plopping it in his mouth.

Literally almost immediately choking.

"Man never mind this kinda sucks. I'd rather have the coffee jelly Tet and I made." He said as he walked over to the fridge, opening it to grab a drinking cup with jelly in it. Grabbed a spoon and started eating it, mostly to down the taste of the brownies.

The others asked for some since there was too much jelly in the fridge. Everyone at least had one, Mikey put a little bit of milk on top because Tet had mentioned it was good with like, 2 teaspoons of milk. He enjoyed it.

I went back to my lab, grabbing a cup of jelly and a spoon. Not knowing where Y/n was, their phone was in my room.


Hmmmmmmmmmm I have 6 monsters on my desk and I drank 6 already.

Istg this needs to be the last chapter I post today or else I'm gonna finish the fukin fic

(1096 words total)

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