Chapter - 01

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It was a tradition, one that would never change. The sound of rolling tyres from travelling bags filled the compound as students were returning home. Whenever it's an holiday, even an unwanted one like a strike, most of the students like me, vacates the hostel and return home. There was nothing anyone would wait for anyways, school was on hold until whenever ASUU called off the strike. 

I, Wura was no exception. That's why two days after the strike news made headlines, I was prepared and ready to head home. 

I've been up and awake since 4:30am getting ready for my journey back home. I already had my bath and was now dressed in a blue gown that fell below my knees, I paired it with a black flat shoe. Where I stood next to our giant, wall mounted wardrobe, I watched Folake stir in her sleep. 

Perhaps all of my pacing around disrupted her sleep. 

She rubbed her eyes and yawned raising her hand above her head a little. Her eyes finally snap open and came in contact with mine which was watching her in amusement. Her lips spread into a sheepish grin and she sat up right using the wall to straighten her back. 

"Wura…wow! You are already ready and set to leave!" Her voice still sounded coarse, who could blame her, she only just woke up. 

I threw her a smirk and raised an eyebrow "Good morning to you too. Already ready? Isn't that a tautology?". I chuckled, Folake rolled her eyes at me and diverted her gaze towards my luggage. 

"You've packed up everything you need to pack? Wow geek!" She teased as she looked around me where my luggages surrounded me, still not getting up from where she sat, in fact if you asked me, I'll say she adjusted to a more comfortable position. 

I sighed and looked down to my luggage "I hope so. I really hope I have, you know me. I always end up forgetting something"

I caught sight of my comb on the reading table and I sprinted across the room to get it. I smiled in satisfaction and kept it in my luggage. 

"I can only hope that whatever I'll forget this time is not too important". I responded glumly.

Forgetting things was my specialty. One time I even forgot my shoes and slippers. When I got home I had to get new ones.

"Your towel!" Folake shrieked and this time, with her voice clear. She was wide and fully awake. I processed immediately and looked straight ahead towards the bathroom and alas! There it was, my towel, my pink fluffy microfiber towel, hanging glumly on the bathroom door.

How could I forget that?

Even my towel was looking so sad right now. It probably thought I had forgotten about it. 

I passed to Folake a smile that meant, 'thank you' and slapped my palm to my forehead "Oh! Silly me, I forgot to pack it up after taking my bath". I got to the bathroom and pulled it down. I folded it into equal halves and then into a quarter and then small enough to fit my bag. 

"Urrggghhh" why won't this towel go in? It's not like I packed up too many stuffs, but my bag was already full. I continued to struggle with it, grunting and trying to push it down till it zipped. It was impossible! 

"Let me help" Folake walked up to me and together we pushed the towel in, I held down all of the clothes while Folake struggled with the zip. And finally, we made progress. 

"Whew! Thanks roomie" I smudged her with my bottom and she hit me back. She smiled back and we both giggled. 

"I'm going to miss you Wura". She said giving me a smile, the saddest smile..

"I am too, but come on! We should pray and hope the strike is called off soon okay?". She nodded sheepishly and opened her arms for a hug. I met her and gave her a very tight squeeze as well, we pulled away after a minute. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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