Chapter 16: dancing in the rain.

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Nightmare POV: I felt the patter of raindrops on my scull as my hand extended to Error. Error blushed as his expression turned to one of pure shock. I smiled as I looked at him, standing dry under the awning and I sat soaking wet, waiting on him to join me.

"If its charms you want, then Its charms you'll get.


May I have this dance~?" I say with a smirk.

A look of utter suprise and awe covers Errors face, and I can clearly see that my charms had worked, even if Error didnt notice it yet.

He hesitates for a long while. He was clearly flustered and overthinking it. But sooner or later..

He steps out from under the awning and takes my hand gently, slowly giving into the flirting.

"Your lucky your charms are so flattering." He says as he becomes less tense, starting to calm down and ease into my arms. He was shivering slightly due to the cold raindrops that covered us, but sooner or later adjusted to the temperature.

I couldnt help but laugh under my breath

I used my hand to pull him in and I wrapped my free hand around his waist. He put his other hand on my shoulder as he pushed closer. Our fingers intertwined, resting gently in each others grip.

I gave him a living smile, and he returned it with a nervous one. I had a suspicion on why he was paranoid..

"You do know how to dance, right?" I say, curious.

"A little bit.. butttt not much.."

I took this as a opportunity that welcomed itself.

"Would you like me to teach you..?"

He responded by smiling a little wider.

"Yeah...." he says with a small laugh "if you dont mind"

"of course I dont" I say, smiling wider as well. I continue to explain calmly.

"Its easy darling. We can start with the two step dance. Just simply take one step to the left, then to steps to the right. We do that while slowly going in a circle. Like this-" I say, as I take a step the the left, using my hand on his waist to gently pull him in the direction of me. He looks down at his feet as we slowly begin takeing two steps to the right. We slowly rotate as we dance, the streetlight above us is the only thing illuminating our pathway.. the rain enchoed as I begin to hum a small melody, giving us a small tune to dance too.

Error keeps his eyes on his feet, trying not to step on my toes and to make sure hes doing it right.

Despite the cold rain, I feel warm. My soul swelled and I pulled him closer as we swayed back and forth in the pouring rain. His eyes never leave the ground.

I deside to change that.

I move my hand away from his, and rest my pointer finger and thumb under his chin. I lift his chin up, forcing him to look at me. His eyes glisten as he finally looks me in the eyes.

"Look at me" I say. As I move my hand from his chin back to his hand, intertwining our fingers together once more.

"Its okay if you mess up. But I want you to look at me" I say. He becomes clearly embarrassed and looks back at the ground.

"Night I'm gonna end up stepping on your feet or tripping. I'm not good at this."

I lift his face torwards me once again.

"That's fine Error. I dont care. Look. At. Me. I want to be able to see your eyes.. okay?" I say, moving my hand to rest on his cheek.

He hesitates, but his eyes end up meeting mine once more.

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