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"Don't die yet, I still need information from you." Niragi spat.

You heard as his footsteps softened the slightest as he walked over to the door.

Being too focused on your new cut, you weren't able to listen in on the conversation he had with the person at the door. All you were able to hear was the shuffling of the assistants as they moved away, also leaving the room. Now it was only you know the room, bleeding out of your left thigh.

Not knowing how for they were, you weren't really able to scream for help either. You were sure that the door was closed anyways, there wouldn't be a point.

"Hey Y/n."

"What are you doing here Chishiya?" Your voice softened near the end.

The sound of his steps approaching you was enough to make your whole body stiffen. "I'm here to get you out of here and keep you protected."

"I don't need you to inject anesthesia in me again."

"It was for your own good." You could feel the heat his body gave off as his hands reached closer. "Do you want to get out?"

You nodded, feeling the blood deep out of your wound.

Chishiya was gentle while untying the role that held you down. He was quick and efficient, letting you free in less than a minute.

With everything that happened in the last day, you were overwhelmed.

"Let's go to your room so I can treat your cut." The doctor suggested.

You, being mentally exhausted, only nodded. There was nothing more you wanted than to just lay down in bed and sleep all your problems away. While walking down the halls, all the people that you passed gave weird looks once they saw the cut that's bleeding.

Once you made it into your room, you immediately broke down. Too much has happened, you haven't been able to digest everything. You cried once Chishiya closed the door behind him. He saw that at this moment, you didn't have any care towards any of your wounds or previous injuries. With the amount of blood that he was seeing, he cursed continuously while you continued crying.

"Y/n, please." He began becoming frantic.

His words weren't able to reach your ears. You continued sobbing, only worsening the condition of your cut and letting more blood sleep out.

In the emotional state you were in, Chishiya wasn't able to do much except tie a white bandage wrap on your cut. He was panicked, but wanted you to calm down first. You walking over to your room had opened the cut more, allowing a lot of blood to spill.

The male wrapped his arms around your shaking body, trying to comfort you. "Hey it'll be okay Y/n. I'll protect you, I promise."

Tears continued to fall down your cheeks. You nuzzled your head into Chishiya'a shoulder, trying to hide your face as you cried.

His hand reached your back and began to rub your back to comfort you.

You were overstimulated with everything that's happened since you woke up. And you weren't even able to think clearly.

In the moment, you were just how Chishiya wanted you. He needed to get you to trust no one else but him. He was the one that was behind Kuina leading the others away. He was also the one to set you up with Niragi. It wasn't easy trusting him with you, but he knew just the way to get him to have him under control.


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