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"And this is where most of the people hang out and party." Chishiya stopped at the last stop, waiting to hear your thoughts and or comments on the place.

You skimmed your environment. The place looked like it was a public pool with all the floaties, lounge chairs, tables, and big umbrellas. It was packed with people everywhere, and on top of that, most of them were staring at you. From what Chishiya told you, chances are, it's because you are a newbie and it's a common occurrence when someone new joins. Having all the eyes on you wasn't something that was new or something that you weren't used to. Having to experience it quite frequently while playing on tour, you treated the situation the same, you ignored the looks. However, while you were looking around, you were able to tell that some of the people had seemed to recognize you.

"Wait, so do I need to change into a swimsuit before I do anything?" You asked your light haired friend.

He turned to you with his hands in his pocket and an eyebrow raised, curious as to what you're going to say next. "What do you plan on doing Y/n?"

"What do you think, dumbass? I'm gonna jump into the pool, what else?"

Chishiya lightly chuckled in response, he was clearly amused by your response. "You haven't grown a bit since the last time I was around you."

"What do you rate this one?"

Despite the fact that he didn't want to partake in helping you choose a swimsuit, you dragged him along with you. So far, you've been through around 3 or 4. He hasn't yet given any of them a rating of above an 8, which was your goal.

Of course Chishiya knew that your goal was, so he just kept on giving poor ratings. He would never admit it, but he enjoyed looking at you while you were in all of the swimsuits. To be completely honest, he couldn't care less which one you decided on wearing, because what you decided on wearing wasn't going to change the fact that he's utterly obsessed with you.

This one swimsuit however managed to grab his attention obviously more than the others. It was a simple white top that had a black ink spill design onit. The shorts were just plain black, but it fit your body so nicely. Even though the design was incredibly simple, it somehow managed to greatly enhance the image of your toned body.

"Earth to Chishiya? Are you there buddy?" You asked him, snapping in front of his face to hopefully snap him out of whatever he was thinking or focusing so intently on.

He snapped out of his intense thinking and made
eye contact with you before answering. "9.3."

"Wait what?"

"You look good in it."

You made sure to check the mirror one last time before deciding on this exact swimsuit.

"Thanks by the way." You accepted his rare compliment, smiling.

Now that you finally got your swimsuit, you were able to move around the beach without getting weird or questioning stares from others. Your first destination was the pool. After what happened last night, a nice jump onto the pool might be able to help you get back down to Earth.

You got to the pool and there were more people than there were last time you were here. It's probably because last time you were here was the morning. Early in the morning too, everyone was most likely sleeping in.

You walked through the crowd of people that surrounded the pool. People were chatting, drinking, and just hanging out. The atmosphere was definitely lively. Oddly lively in a world without any laws where you could die any day and anytime. You definitely needed to keep your guard up; you could be betrayed anytime you trust someone too much.

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