Chapter 3

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After a long drive, they finally arrived in Adventure City. Chase was first to wake up, realizing that they had arrived at their destination.

Chase: Finally!

Chase started waking up the others.

Rubble:(Yawns) Are we here?


Tracker:Wow, the city is so big.

Skye looked at Matthew and Champ, who were still sleeping.

Skye:They are so cute. I almost don't want them to wake up.

Everest:Aww, seeing Matthew sleeping with a puppy is so adorable.

Skye decided to gently nudge Champ a little, waking up the young pup.

Champ:Are we in Adventure City?


Champ looked at Matthew, who was still sleeping. Champ immediately started to rapidly lick Matthew's face.


Matthew opened his eyes, seeing the happy look on Champ's face.

Matthew:You really had no other way of waking me up?


Champ then jumped onto the floor as he returned to normal size. Matthew quickly climbed onto Champ's back as the Paw Patroller stopped.

Ryder:Come on pups.

The pups then walked into the massive tower.

Champ:Wow, this version of the Lookout is so big and very advanced.

Champ then looked out the massive window that was nearby.

Champ:This view is incredible!



Matthew decided to climb onto the ground.

Chase:I thought Liberty would be here.

Suddenly, a long-haired dachshund came running in.

???:(Panting) Sorry for being late, I had to deal with something.

Rocky:Are you alright, Liberty?

Liberty:Yeah, I'm fine. You know how it is in a big city.

Everest:It looks like you've been busy.

Liberty: I've been very busy since Humdinger got out of jail. 

Chase:Is that why we're here, Ryder?

Ryder: Mayor Humdinger caused a lot of trouble last time. So it was best that came here just in case he decides to make a mess of the city again.

Matthew: So we're just gonna stay here until he does something?

Liberty then looked at Matthew.

Liberty: Who's the tiny human?

Marshall:His name is Matthew.

Liberty walked over to Matthew.

Liberty:Nice to meet you, Matthew.

Matthew:(Chuckles) It's nice to meet you as well, Liberty.

Liberty: What's it like being small around a lot of pups?

Matthew:It can be very fun and exhausting.

Liberty:(Chuckles) It's gonna be great working with you.

Liberty then looked at Champ.


A Paw Patrol Story 7: Trouble In Adventure City Where stories live. Discover now