Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"What would you like to drink?" She says grabbing her notepad.

"Orange juice please," Rosie says.

"Me too," Matt says still laughing a little.

"Apple juice," I said because I don't like oranges.

"I'll have the same," Zach says shaking his head at Matt.

"K, I'll be back with your drinks." She says a little annoyed and leaves.

"What a happy waitress," Matt says and grabs his menu. After we all finally decide on what we want we tell the snobby waitress. Rosie starts talking about stuff with Zach, so I ask Matt a question. "Why are you so nice?"

"What do you mean?" He asks confused.

"Why help me all this time and-"

"Because that's who I am and I really like you." He said and my face goes a little red. After our food comes we all dug in. I grab my side because it was hurting, but when I touched I almost passed out from the pain. I opened my sweatshirt and found the bruise grew and was more purple. Great I said to my self. It got worse. "Excuse me," I said to Rosie so I could get up when I stood up through my head got light headed. I wobbled a little and they all look at me worried. "Stood up a little too fast," I said and started walking to the bathroom. 

I walked in and no one was in there thank gosh. I unwrapped the gauze witch killed and looked at the bruise. I was swollen really bad and hurt like h e double hockey sticks. I went to put the gauze on, but when I put the gauze against my bruise I got light headed again because of the pain. My eyes watered a little and I kept trying to take deep breaths. Then the door opened. It was Matt. "What.." I ask and took another breath "are you doing in here?" I finished and he was by my side.

"You haven't come out so I came in. What happened?" He asks and looked at my bruise.

"It started hurting more after I fell because of of.. the letter," I say, he looks up at me.

"Why didn't you say anything? You need to get that checked out." He says and put his arm around me and his hand on my good side.

"I thought I'd be fine." I say and try to stay standing. Matt sees me wobble a little and grabs my arm and puts it on his shoulder. I lean into him.

"Come on, you need to go to the doctor." He says and opens the door without me moving. I nod my head and take one step, but I hurt so much that my head felt like it was on fire and I closed my eyes. I could feel Matt pick me up. It hurt my side but I knew he was trying to help me. I fell asleep sometime after I heard Rosie's voice because the pain was too much.

Matt's P.O.V.

"She's been in there a while." I say to the others who are looking at the girl's bathroom.

"Ya, I'll go check on her." Rosie says and stands up.

"No, I'll go." I say and get out of the booth because Zach was sitting by Rosie now.

"You can't that's a GIRL restroom." She says and turns to me.

"Ya, but..." I say and try to think of a good reason.

"Fine but if you get in trouble it's on you." She says seeing I was going to go anyways. I quickly walk into the bathroom and see Anna. Her eyes are watery and her face is really pale. She says "What" but has to stop and take a breath. I walk to her instantly. "are you doin' here?" She barely gets out.

"You haven't come out so I came in. What happened?" I ask and look at her side.

"It started hurting more after I fell because of of.. the letter." She says and closes her eyes a little and opens them again.

"Why didn't you say anything? You need to get that checked out." I say pulling her closer so I could see it better. Seeing her in pain hurts me and that she didn't tell me.

"I thought I'd be fine." She says and try's to stay standing, but I see her wobble a little and I grab her arm and put it around my shoulder. She leans into me.

"Come on, you need to go to the doctor," I say and open the door. She goes to take a step, but winces and her face gets even paler. I pick her up trying not to hurt her and she closes her eyes. I wish she would tell me things more often. I walk out of the girl's restroom and Rosie comes rushing to us.

"What happened?" She asks and looks at Anna and then me.

"Her bruise got worse and she passed out because of the pain. I need to take her to the doctor." I say and Zach runs out the door to start his car. He pulls up and Rosie opens the door for me and I slowly put Anna in the car and then slide in next to her. Once Rosie is in the car Zach speeds away. It takes us around 15 minutes to get to the hospital, but they rush her into a room and start x-Rays.

The nurse comes out and asks "Who is the closes family to her?" She says looking at us three.

"We are all the family she has," I say and look at Rosie and Zach.

The nurse looks a little puzzled but says for us to follow her. "She'll be fine, but she was putting way to much pressure on her ribs and she won't be able to get out of bed for a good two to four days. We are almost positive that she passed out because of the pain." She says and opens the door. "We don't have any family on her contact, would you know the number?" She says to me.

"She doesn't have any family, but us." I say again and walk into the room. I look at Anna and she's not as pale as she was before, but she still doesn't look normal. It's already 6:00, but I have no appetite. I go and sit next to Anna. It feels like déjà vu. Zach and Rosie sit on the other side, but there were only two chairs so Rosie is sitting on Zach's lap. We are all staring at Anna. Two more hours pass and we all haven't moved much or said much, but then Anna's eyes flutter open. She looks around the room and asks, "Can you all stop staring at me?" We laugh a little at that.

"No, you deserve to be stared at." Rosie says smiling. Anna rolls her eyes.

"So what's the news?" She asks and looks at me.

"You're stuck in bed for around two to four days."

"Great." She says sarcastically. "Can one of you get my school work for the next few days?"

"I will." I say because I plan on staying with her and then picking up my homework too.

"Thanks." She says and grabs my hand.

"Ok, we will check up on you, and tell us anything that happens even if she moves," Rosie says pointing to Anna and I. Zach smiles at her and then they leave. I look over at Anna and she looks like she's going to cry.

"What wrong? Do you want me to get the doctor?" I ask and lean in a little.

"I have the court thing Wednesday, but I can't because I'm stuck here." She says and moves her hand I'm not holding up to her head.

"It's fine, we will make adjustments," I say relieved a little that she's not in physical pain right now.

"Are you sure we can do that?" She asks still having watery eyes.

"They can't take you anywhere if you can't walk," I say and try to reassure her.

"Your right." She says and wipes her eyes. "I feel like a big drama queen right now." She says and laughs a little.

"I think you handle the situation really well. I have just one question how do you pay for all the medical bills?"

"I have savings, but if I keep coming in every other week it's going to get hard." She says and puts her free hand back to her forehead.

"I'll help out." I say knowing my parents have a savings account for me, that's their way of being parents.

"You can't. It's not your problem." She says putting her hand down on the bed.

"Your problems are my problems." I say and kiss her lightly on her forehead.

"Your way to nice to me, and I have no clue why." She says and smiles at me.

"Because I love you."

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