"Just tell me your thoughts Winter."

I sighed in regret. "Fine. Technically, we are both consenting adults. We're only human as you said."

"Right..." he says.

"Hypothetically, if a student and a Professor confessed about their relationship, and I mean a REAL relationship. Not just a casual fucking for the sake of lust, or bribery or even blackmail; Couldn't they try to fight for their emotional rights? Couldn't they prove that it's not just another scandal and they truly loved each other?"

"Hm." He grins at the road. "Emotional rights huh?"

"O-or just their feelings!" My cheeks flushed. "I'm not sure how else to put it!"

"I understand you Winter." He chuckles. "I just find your choice of words really silly."

Well, I'm glad my embarrassment makes you laugh. I hid my smile. Asshat.

"To answer your question; could they fight for their relationship? Of course. However, it still wouldn't look good to the rest of the public so... I honestly don't think it's worth the risk for the sake of both of their positions. It's all about the reputation. No one is going to care for the reason unless it was blackmail. That's a criminal offense that would be taken seriously; but I digress. As I said before, we have out titles to own up to and to always put first."

"But what about you?" I asked. "If you, hypothetically, loved someone who was a student—"

"That wouldn't happen." He says firmly.

"But I'm saying it's hypothetical."

"And I'm saying that I WOULDN'T do such a thing. I wouldn't even consider it knowing it could hurt my status at the University. I'm already having a hard time having the faculty taking me seriously just because I'm the youngest. I can only imagine the shit they would say if there was a hypothetical taboo going on."

"They... as in other Professors or Faculty?

He hesitated to answer, but proceeded with a head nod.

"They make fun of you?"


"What?" I felt my brows come together. "But that's not fair. You deserve the utmost respect just like any other person."

He scoffs. "I suppose, but is anything in life fair? I mean, look at your situation back at the piano room—"

"We don't have to bring that up again!" My face burned. "Seriously, we can just forget that it ever happened!"

"Is that what you really want?" He asks. "You want me to forget a moment like that?"

Part of me wanted for him to forget because wasn't fair to us. He has to continue on teaching knowing my secret, and I have to struggle with the burn of emotions. Still, as he said before, I didn't want to continue living in regret if he never found out who I was and how I felt.

"Yes... no..." I sighed. "I don't know. It just doesn't matter. You're older and I think you deserve someone around your age. Someone older, wiser and way better looking."

"Older, wiser and better looking." He cracks a smile. "You're making me confused Winter. Are you telling me that you like me but that I shouldn't be with you?"

"I..." I motioned my hands like weighted scales. "Guess?"

"Let's debunk your opinion for just a moment. I'll have you know that I am not looking for 'better'. I don't have certain standards or a 'type' if that is what you're worried about. As for my age..." he scratches his stubble. "can you keep this information to yourself?"

Rescue Me *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now