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-Lilith POV-

~A week later~

Ever since that date (I guess) that Elijah and I had, that ended in us cuddling, things haven't exactly been the same between us. Whenever I try to fall asleep alone I end up turning into him and instantly fall asleep, classes have become more bearable, meals were now filled with laughter and silly banter that didn't end up in some stupid argument over who got a higher score on a potions test. It was.. nice. Nice to see a side to him I hadn't seen before. A less stuck up rich boy and a more gentle funny boy.

"Soooo," Genesis said as we walked from breakfast to our first class today, "When are you and Elijah going to go on an official first date? Is he taking you to Hogsmeade?" My steps stuttered a little and then my pace quickened trying to get away from the conversation.

Thankfully Genesis didn't chase after me and I got to class and immediately sat next to Elijah. It was more of a slump and toss my things on the floor than a sit but I digress. Once sat I put my head down on my hands a sighed out. Elijah put a hand on my back and I turned my head to him, "Are you ok?" I nodded, "I'm ok" I smiled a bit closing my eyes a little suddenly feeling tired.

-Elijah POV-

I had never actually seen what Lilith looks like falling asleep. I had a mild panic attack when I saw her hair fading to a dull shade than it's normal bright blonde and her skin fade as well. The professor told me not to worry it is a normal phenomenon in metamorphmagus. "When their body is in rest there natural colors fade a little. It's when they start to turn really gray that we should worry, as it's...." She made a gesture with her hands and I understood immediately. 

Near the end of class I gently shook Lilith awake, "Lils, come on we have to go to our next class." She slowly awoke and the color of her hair and skin turned back to normal, "Five more minutes." She says rubbing her eyes a little. It reminded me of a cat refusing to wake up.

"If you don't wake up I'll start calling you kitty" I whispered in her ear pushing hair out of the way. She jolted up immediately and began walking to her next class, I caught up to her and we sat down together in potions. 

Halfway through making a potion together I whisper, "You know I was only kidding right? I mean I know we don't need to talk to each other to know what part we do for this potion but I would like to have our little banter back." I had slowly been making my way behind her and trapping her against the table, putting each of my arms around her on the table. 

She was sitting in a chair so she was even shorter meaning I got to bend down lower and closer to her ear. "And don't think I didn't see the small blush that was on your cheeks when you were running away." She blushed again and almost dropped to next ingredient on the floor. 

"Elijah you can't just say something like that right in my ear it scared me." she desperately whispered back putting in the ingredient and stirring the potion counter clockwise. I chuckle moving away a little bit but still whispering. "Is this better?" Lilith looked down at our potions book and nodded a little. She looked so small and I couldn't figure out why.

For some reason, the image of a small kitten in a cage with a big wolf came to my mind. Lilith the kitten me the wolf, imagining it's ears flat and back scared of the wolf behind it even though all that wolf wants to do is protect that kitten from all the bad in the world. 

Lilith had finished the potion with me behind her and now we were waiting for the professors analysis. Since Snape passed last year we had this new professor and he gave me the absolute creeps. He stared at the students, especially the female ones, touched us a little to long on the shoulders or back, and gave a lot of creep compliments about a person. "Ahh, Ms. Lilith I see you and Mr. Longwood have finished your potion." That always bothered me, he used male students last names but female students first names. 

"Yes sir." Lilith said in a sort of monotone voice, I guess I'm not the only one bothered or even noticing his behavior. "Which potion have you two chosen to make today." "Babbling Beverage." Lilith and I say at the same time. She leaned back into me wrapping my arms around her as a way of protecting herself I guess, not that I'm complaining my stomach was doing summersaults of excitement. My beautiful fiancé-to-be has her back against me chest and put my arms around her.

Anyway, the professor did an analysis on our potion and seemed to think I didn't help one bit and only complimented Lilith about her hard work even stared at me in disgust. I returned the look full force, and held Lilith tighter in my arms. As he walked away both of us followed him with our eyes, I didn't even notice how stiff Lilith was in my arms till she let out a breath and relaxed against me. On some sort of instinct I pecked the top of her head and hugged her tighter.

"It's ok. I won't let him get to you." Lilith turned around and wrapped her arms around me and let out a shaky breath into my chest. I panicked a little and lifted her head up and away from my chest to look at me. "Hey, Hey. What's wrong? Lilith... Lils breathe for me ok, in and out even breaths alright?" and she nodded. 

"Ok with me, in.... and out... in.... and out..." we stayed like this for around a minute till her breathing was back to normal and heart rate at her normal pace. "Do you want to talk about it? what happened in that little head of yours?" Lilith thought for a second before shaking her head. 

-Lilith POV-

Elijah chuckled a little at my wimpy head shake. I didn't have a voice right now and I don't know how long until I do again but I just don't want to use words right now. I hugged him again after he stopped chuckling and noticed just how much I liked his scent.. and just how much it smelled like the Amortentia professor Slughorn had two years ago. 

Pine and Grapefruit, an odd yet comforting scent. I guess my body always knew what it wanted, and it wanted him...

Elijah Longwood

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