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-Lilith POV-

I was walking through the halls with a streak of bright yellow in my hair. I don't know why I cared so much if people saw my hair before, I guess i was scared people would call me a freak for having not natural color hair but on my way to my common room people were complimenting me and that just and me more happy and in turn made more strands of hair bright yellow. I didn't want my whole head to be yellow so I kept it to only a couple strands of hair.

Walking into the common room I saw Gen with her partner and Oli with his partner on two of the love seats, Gen saw me first "Well someone's happy." she said giggling a little. I giggled with her "Well, I have some exciting news~..." they all waited, "I'm quidditch captain for hufflepuff!" Gen and Oli got up so fast to hug me I didn't even know what was happening. We all jumped together and laughed, they told me how happy they were for me and we all went to our rooms.


It's been a few weeks since the start of school and of course I have all the same classes as Longwood cause of this stupid marriage law. Other than that awful development, everyone apart of the marriage law is in the same classes for now. Professor McGonagall told us that our schedules will change once the ministry goes over our desired jobs. Until then we aren't just taking classes that will make sure we are up to date with all our studies like potions, defense against the dark arts, transfiguration, and charms. Some of us separated for our extra curriculars like I had flying and astronomy as mine. I got permission from madame hooch to use flying as a study hall for when they change our schedules. 

But one class that wouldn't change when the ministry changes the schedules for us would be marriage and parenting taught by Ms. Weasley which wasn't much of a surprise to most of us as she would be best cause of all the kids she's had and still has a stable marriage. It was a fun class, I had always wanted to be a parent, whether I was married or not, my problem is that one my seat isn't near anyone I know and two we have to sit next to our "forever partner". Although he isn't that bad, not as annoying and overbearing as i thought, he seems very interested in being a father and taking proper care of children. Sometimes we have small quizzes that ask us certain situations about our future child/children and how we would handle it.

They range from a five year old scraping their knee to a future partner of the child cheating or mistreating them. Sometimes I would look over at his just to see what he's writing and we seem to have the same ideas. We did have one question asking if how you would want to parent is different or similar to your upbringing and to explain. All he wrote was no and I found that very mysterious and like he has some secret hidden in his home life that he doesn't bring to hogwarts. 

At hogwarts he seems like an arrogant know-it-all that's nice to other houses no matter blood status and seems to only want to annoy and tease me. I'm used to it now but in the beginning I would always try and rat him out for annoying me in class. Now I'm seeing a different side of him, a more mature side of him that only started coming through after the first night here.

-Elijah POV-

I'm trying... I really I am. I want her to like me for me and not for the annoying teasing prick I've been to her the past 7 years. I noticed that sometimes in professor weasleys class she would peak over at my paper to see what I was writing on an assignment. It's been about a month since we started this journey, we started sleeping in the same bed but she insists we put a pillow wall between us. I don't blame her, she hasn't liked me at all the past 7 years so she's keeping herself safe. 

One time she fell asleep before I did and she looked so cute. She had her head on one pillow and was laying on top of and cuddling another. I just couldn't help but imagine it was my chest her head was on and my body she was cuddling so tightly for warmth as the cold weather of autumn starts to come in. 

I've started to feel her staring at me more and more. Whenever I look up to meet her gaze she looks away to either whatever she is working on or to her friends. It might be my imagination but I can see a small bit of blush on her cheeks, whether from embarrassment or something else I don't know. I hope it's the latter and me getting my act together is working.

Marriage WHAT?!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα