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-Elijah POV-

Our first quidditch practice is today. Although Madam Hooch said that from now on practices will be conjoined with two teams. Today's practice is with the Hufflepuffs and I'm sure everyone on the team will be secretly teasing me the whole time, even though I'm there captain and I should be respected. 

As the team and I got to the quidditch pitch I saw that Lilith already had her team doing laps around the pitch. She's their seeker and damn is she fast, her parents got her the firebolt on her birthday in 6th year in May when she turned 17. The joy she had on her face when she saw it land on her table in the great hall was adorable.

We entered the pitch and all mounted our brooms, joining the hufflepuffs in their laps. I caught up to Lilith when she finished her laps and we discussed how practice should go today. "Maybe we should play as if it were an actual game, but without us so we can watch. So we won't need the golden snitch."

I nodded my head at her words as she took off her gloves and wiped her hands from the sweat on them. "I agree they can just play and get all intense without the seekers floating around." She hmm'd and mounted her broom to go rally up her team and tell them the plan for practice and I did the same.

"Alright guys, we are going to just play a game but Lilith and I won't be playing. We are both seekers so there won't be an end until practice is over." There were groans and sighs from the team, "are we going to have a break? a two hour straight game seems like a lot." I thought on it and decided to be vague, "I don't know, depends on if you guys deserve it or not."

With that another round of groans were heard as I went to the ground where Lilith was with the bulgers ready to throw them up. "My team asked if we were going to give them a break." I said as I got to her. "I say we let them think that they get no break and then when we notice they aren't doing so hot we tell them that it's break." she whispered just in case they heard.

She blew into her whistle and threw up the bulgers officially starting practice. We watched our teams play for about an hour before they started to start losing energy and interest in the game and we decided that it's time for a break and I decided to start up conversation cause why not.

"So, " She glanced at me "have you heard that McGonagall wants to start a yearly winter ball because she enjoyed the yule ball so much?" She looked confused. "No I haven't when did you hear about this?". "Oh right now it's just a rumor going around but I wouldn't mind having another ball. The ones my family holds or go to are boring and full of business talk. The yule ball was fun."

Lilith was now staring at me taking in every word I said. "Well if what you are saying is true then I guess me and gen and oli will go together so we can have some fun." "It seems to me that you're just teasing me and want me to get mad that you didn't even think of me as an option Johnes." I said to her teasingly and she scoffed at me rolling her eyes before checking the time. 

She blew her whistle twice to get everyone to come over to use on the ground, "We have ten minutes left I personally think that it would be useless to continue playing just to stop you so maybe we stop and continue next time." My team wasn't paying attention at all and talking to each other and it pissed me off. "HEY!" All the slytherins looked at me with annoyed faces as I glared at them.

"U-ummm I think maybe we should just stop for today I think the gryffindors and ravenclaws have the pitch next." Lilith said timidly then took her team to the changing rooms while I stayed behind with my team. 

".....What?" someone said, "What?.... WHAT?! She is technically your superior I don't give a flying fuck if some of you are in the same year as us she is a captain of a team and you respect her like one. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND!" There were scared nods and small 'yes's in the crowd before I dismissed them to change.


After practice Lilith stopped me from going back to the castle, "You didn't have to do that... I'm used to it." I felt myself fill with rage but calmed myself to speak, "I won't allow people to treat my future wife as if she doesn't exist or matter. I'm sorry if that is possessive to you but just because your apart of a powerful pureblood line and not in slytherin doesn't mean people can treat you different." 

She stared at me in shock and it was then that I realized how close we had gotten during my rant. I backed away feeling warmth fill my cheeks, "Sorry. I just don't like how people in slytherin have been talking about you. It's not right."

With that I left before she could respond to me and went to our dorm room to calm down before dinner.

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