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-Elijah POV-

Seeing the hogwarts train was a big relief. I managed to leave my house without my parents so I wouldn't have them here to "see me off" which just means to tell me to be a true pureblood and don't make us disown you. Since the war my father lost his job in the ministry, I on the other hand got an internship as an assistant as I fought against my family along with my friends from ravenclaw.

Speaking of, once I get on the train I see Ava and Gwen looking for a compartment anywhere. "Speak of the devil, I was just thinking of you two." They rolled their eyes "Of course you were you weirdo." "Hey! That's mean." I pout at gwen as she punches my arm.


We did eventually find a compartment but we decided to walk the train a bit before going our separate ways to change. As we walked together I heard someone talking shit about a certain cute hufflepuff that I hold dear. "Bro did you see what that little bitch Lilith was wearing omg how could anyone be attracted to that." One boy from slytherin said to another slytherin girl, "I know like for real what even is this the 1700s where people had no style like god." The girl said.

Ava saw how I was literally about to pounce on them and held my shoulder shaking her head. "Oh well would you look who it is..." I looked at the boy again. "The slytherin who's ruining our house reputation by being friends with half-bloods and mudblo-" He didn't even get to finish his sentence before i grabbed his collar and told him, "You DARE say that word in front of me again you'll regret it"

He just laughed, "Oh really? and what about your precious little pathetic crush on the hufflepuff girl. She's honestly so stupid and I swear she has the hots for that guy she's always with. Also the fact that a powerful pureblood families child got into hufflepuff... her parents must be so disappointed." I was so mad I just punched him. Unfortunately he got up and we started fighting.

A compartment door opened and I was thrown in effectively knocking over who ever opened it. I saw it was her, Lilith Johnes. I quickly grabbed her waist and turned us so she was on top of me. I was blushing like crazing hoping this would last forever. It's not everyday that I get to hold the goddess that is Lilith Johnes. (yes he's a simp deal with it) Many people can't except that a pureblood from a powerful family is in hufflepuff but I just think that means that she is kind and the kind of girl I want. Not these rich snobby slytherin girls who think they are better than everyone else.

Lilith stirred a little confused, but when she looked up to me her face showed one of annoyance and although it made me a bit sad I'm used to her face looking like that when I'm around. She grabbed her robes and left to change. Then I hear a sigh from my left, "When will she notice how you feel." The girl friend said. I was stunned I thought that I kept my feelings well hidden but according to what happened in the past five minutes from the slytherins saying that my feelings were pathetic and now her friend saying that its sad she doesn't see how I actually feel for her.

Marriage WHAT?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن