Chapter 21

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Herb's Pov

"NOW!" Dark Cocoa roared.

I stood back as my mom crashed a huge wave of water fueled by her power down on Dark Enchantress and paralyzing her. Dark Cocoa rushed forward as HollyBerry used her shield to defend. Dark Cocoa combined his power with HollyBerry's and Pure Vanilla making him triple the power. He suddenly felt the burst of Golden Cheese's power within him, and he smiled, knowing his old friend hasn't abandoned hope completely.

Dark Cocoa drew his sword which flashed purple and the 3 other ancient colors and let it crash down on the frozen figure. Dark Enchantress fell over bleeding, her cake monster also crumbling. 

Dark Enchantress twitched and everyone got ready to attack incase to she got up again and lunged forward.. except me.. She looked like she was in pain to me. The ancients didn't look like they were scared as well, just worried and desperate.

"White Lily!" Pure Vanilla cried, shaking Dark Enchantress's arms, "Lily! Please, eat this!"

I ran to them and I saw Pure Vanilla crying ino Dark Enchantress's body which looked like it was glitching. She had a blank look on her face and blood gushed from her head and all over her. I tried to not lurch over, sick. I've seen blood before. I was at a battle, I've been.. well, hurt. Still, there was so much blood and the scene made my heart hurt.

"It's no use, we have to finish her off or she'll die painfully or come back even stronger," Hollyberry said sadly, like she was at a funeral, "She can't react to us, she won't eat the candy that will rid of the evil, what can we do?"

I looked closer despite the blood and noticed Dark Enchantress's appearance was begining to glitch to what seemed like another person. A woman with snow white hair, beautiful red eyes, and a glittering white fading green dress. 

"Please Lily," Pure  Vanilla begged.

Dark Cocoa raised his sword above his head and winced, obviously not wanting to bring it down. 

My body moved before I could think. I dashed in between Dark Cocoa and White Lily. I heard my mom call out to me, but her voice was muffled into the background.

"You aren't really Dark Enchantress, are you?" I murmured to her, "You're actually White Lily."

All the background noises completely muted into white as I stared intently into her crimson ruby eyes. She didn't respond and only continued to gaze blankly into nowhere in particular.

"I haven't met Whi- You before, but I don't want you to die," I said, a lump forming in my throat.

I may actually cry if she died. I hated seeing people die or injured. No matter who they were, noone should die. I knew Dark Enchantress's soul would perish, but if what my mother used to tell me is true, Dark Enchantress's is already dead and her deity or soul is still lingering. She's already dead and I can't change that, but I can try prevent White Lily from dying.

"You can't give up!" I shouted, grabbing White Lily's shoulders which felt cold and dead, "They came here to help you!"

I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder and pull me back.

"They must have loved you with all their hearts!" I cried as she started glitching even harder into nothing, "They loved you because they actually like your personality. Their love was and still is real! They risked everything to get to you! If their friendship was fake, then they would have just left you!"

Suddenly she flinched ever so slightly. I gazed at her desperately.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault. It's too late," She said under her breath, her pale lips barely moving, "So why bother saving me? It's all my fault."

I was surprised at her reaction. She looked away from me guiltily, her white hair that seemed so fresh before now dropping down like the petals of a dying lily. Tears collected at the corner of my eyes but hers stayed as blank as ever.

"D-don't say that!" I yelled and was pulled up to my feet by a cookie, "White Lily! It's not your fault!"

"Yes, it is," She stated, "On the night of the witches, I saw what they did as curiosity got the better of me. I only wanted to help, but I was foolish."

I felt myself get pulled into a hug. I turned to see Sparkling. I felt relieved to see him safe, but couldn't get myself to talk.  He didn't force me to speak or question me, but instead he held me by my waist and turned to face White Lily.

White Lily continued to mumble "I made a deal with the de-"

"Enough White Lily!" Sparkling cut in, "Herb is right, it isn't too late!"

"You may never forget and neither will they, but that doesn't mean we and you can't atone or love you again!" Sparkling continued, "So don't say it's over yet!"

White Lily stared back at us, but she did not move towards Pure Vanilla. Instead Pure Vanilla lunged forward and hugged her with his arms.

"I-I dont want to lose you. I want to make new memories with you, like before!" Pure Vanilla sobbed, "White Lily please! Remember how we studied together? How we practiced magic together? How we read our favorite book under the stars together each night?"

White Lily blinked in response, guilt filling her broken eyes.

"White Lily, I love you more than as a best friend before, and I still do!" Pure Vanilla yelled, slightly turning red as tears streamed down his watery eyes.

White Lily's eyes widened.

"So please eat this and don't glitch out of this world," Pure Vanilla whispered, "We'll rebuild our memories together."

White Lily looked at the tiny cure in Pure Vanilla's hands. She tried reaching out but her hand glitched, missing it. I felt my heart stop.. was it too late? She swiped her hand back, this time not glitching out. White Lily slowly picked the candy up as everyone watched holding their breaths... and then she swallowed it.


Word count: 1001 

Woah, pretty much ending the war... BUT NOT THE BOOK. We've got someone else to deal with....

Anyways hope you enjoyed it, and have a good day/night!

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