Author's note

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(I'm just not gonna bold it)

Hello, Crimson here! 

Thank you for reading this fanfic :)

This took me around half a year to finish which I'm not that surprised by now (Due to the fact that I finished one other fanfic a week ago and that one took me 7 month to finish. Now I was quite surprised when I realized that)

Some of the comments you guys posted were really encouraging and funny (Like damn, y'all really wanted Lemon Drop Wine to get beat up so let's beat him up XD)

Everything is completely resolved, and although there are a few bumps here and there in the future there won't be too much things going on (I do apologize if you want more), so therefore I will not be making book 2 of this book.

Ty for 2.5k+ reads (And 1st in Herb rn? Niceee <3)

Also to be extra cruel (Sorry lol) I want to say I was planning to do a music video for them (Shivers) but I had alot going on and didnt manage to so I aplogize.
But here's a cute pic of them lol:

Have a great day/night, and I hope you enjoyed this book!

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Have a great day/night, and I hope you enjoyed this book!

I hope it's planted in your mind now... 

Planted in my mindOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant