⛄Christmas Special🎄

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It was a beautiful night. The air was frosty and snow littered the ground. Decorative lights hung from trees, lighting up the cobblestone steps and the smiling face of cookies. Cookies laughed and talked in the vast, mystic, garden, while others danced and drank. In the center by the colorful fountain, was Herb and Sparkling, in thick winter coats. 

"Here,: Sparkling said nervously to Herb, "I think you were amazing setting this up."

Herb's eyes lit up as Sparkling presented him with a mini Christmas tree adorned with tiny lights. Herb gently took it from Sparkling and looked at it in awe. Suddenly Herb frowned, causing Sparkling to panic. 

"Oh crap! Do- do you not like it?" Sparkling asked worried.

Herb looked up in surprise before starting to giggle. 

"N-no! I love it! It's just because I don't have anything for you," Herb said regretfully, "W-wait! I know!"

Before Sparkling could react, Herb wrapped his arms around him and gave him a hug. This shocked Sparkling, causing him to also blush like crazy. Still, he hugged back. When Herb steppe back, he was smiling with his cheeks pink from being flustered, but also from the winter night's chill.

"Let's build a snowman!" Herb suddenly exclaimed.

Herb took Sparkling's hand and together they ran, hand in hand, out of his garden to a small corner of a park where cookies were gathered building snowmen.

"LET'S COMPETE TO SEE WHO CAN BUILD THE BEST SNOWMAN!" Latte suddenly yelled, rushing up to the couple and startling them, "Me, Parfait, and Raspberry will be team 1. Cream Puff and Chocolate team 2. Sparkling and Herb team 3. Mint and Cocoa team. Lastly Licorice, Vampire, and Clover!"

"Sounds awesome!" Sparkling cheered as Herb exclaimed, "Yay!"

The other cookies all let out agreements and nods. Even Licorice who finally agreed after his boyfriends begging, saying: how it's Christmas and it doesn't matter if he is with the cookies of darkness nobody would mind. They all set to work immediately after Latte screamed go!

Two hours later, they decided to rate the snowmen. The first team received 9/10. The cheered and Latte boasted about how they were very experienced. They were quite shocked and exasperated when they discovered 2 young ones from team 2, Chocolate Mocha and Cream Puff's work, which was rated a perfect score.

Licorice threatened to set his Licorice monsters onto everyone's snowmen because theirs only received a rating. Mint and Cocoa happily accepted the rating of 8.5. Sparkling and Herb got an 8/10, making Herb really happy despite not winning. Espresso simply looked at Madeleine with a tired look, as Madeleine accidentally tipped their snowman over while boasting how well he'll make the snowman. Madeleine had to give Espresso puppy eyes and a bunch of apologies to which everyone laughed until Espresso finally caved in and forgave him.

The laughter caused Espresso to turn into a raging fit making Latte specifically to cackle even harder at her little brother. Espresso then used his magic to chuck a snowball at Latte and everyone broke off into a giant snow fight. Red Velvet, Chiffon, Poisonous Mushroom, Strawberry Crepe, and Sorbet randomly joined in as well. 

The "Battle" raged on, and before long the cookies were sprawled out on the snow covered ground in a panting mess. It was completely chaotic only a few moments ago, with even Chiffon joining in and pouncing on cookies for surprise attacks and Vampire nearly biting Parfait. Now, they were just panting with grins on their faces like children. 

"W-would you guys like to get something to eat or drink at my place? It's that garden." Herb suggested nervously to the large group. 

They all stared at him, and for a second Herb thought he did something wrong, but then everyone broke off into smiles and yeses. Herb smiled in relief and everyone headed on over except for the 3 younger kids who had chosen to go and continue to play in the snow. Cream Puff and Chocolate Mocha chose to stick around some more. 

Everyone was soon sipping drinks in Herb's cozy home. Cocoa, Sparkling, and the Coffee cookies helped make drinks for the cookies to enjoy. Herb had even prepared some cookies for everyone and donuts for Espresso, They barely managed to fit everyone inside Herb's home, but nevertheless, all the cookies were still smiling.

Herb sat by Sparkling, who had an arm around Herb's waist on the couch. Although they weren't officially a couple. they still showed loving actions. Now.. what they didn't realize was that they were under a Mistletoe which was planted there but none other than Pomegranate. Yes, Pomegranate still wanted to cause happy mischief that could bring smiles to faces on Christmas. Anyways, no one had noticed that tiny little plant above the two until Latte looked up and saw.

"O M G, you guys!" Latte squealed and all the cookies looked at her, "HERB AND SPARKLING ARE UNDER A MISTLETOE!"

Murmurs broke out, and all heads turned to the Mistletoe, then to the 2 cookies who also had looked up in confusion. 

Sparkling turned to Herb who was blushing. Sparkling chuckled to himself and gently tucked in a strand of Herb's hair behind his ear. They both leaned in until their noses were touching. Then, before Sparkling could ask if Herb was fine with this, Herb gently planted a kiss onto Sparkling's lips before pulling away in a flustered mess. 

"Way to make some of feel single," Chocolate Mocha scoffed and everyone started giggling and laughing once more.

"You're only 14!" Espresso scolded her but the young girl rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile with Starfruit cookie and Pomegranate (Short)

The two sat under the stars in silence, staring through Pomegranate's mirror at the happy cookies.

"You can change Pom, I know you can." Starfruit murmured, "This is the first time in a year since we met."

"I'm sorry, I know. I wish I could be happy like that," Pomegranate mumbled, sadness drowning her words, "I know we're supposed to be enemies but.. Just this once.. please be here for me and don't forget this night but don't use it as a time to capture me either."

"I won't. Please, change for me though.."

"I will. But today.. all I want for Christmas is you.."

The two cookie's stared into the night in silence, comfortable, dark, silence, both with too much words to say to each other.

Meanwhile with SeaFairy and Moonlight

"He's really grown up, huh Moon?" Sea Fairy said softly from the bench outside Herb's window, "It's amazing, now he has real friends who care about him and love him for who he is."

"And boyfriend," Moonlight sighed happily.

"I still don't like him."

"Hush, let them enjoy this Christmas, and we'll enjoy ours."


Word count: 1105


Yeah, so my Chromebook broke down T-T, so I had to use my sister's Chromebook. This is quite inconvenient for me since I have to do 2 Christmas special stories, Christmas special meme, music video, read Webtoon books, and watch anime Xd. I decided to post today since idk if I can use her chromebook on christmas for editing, so I do apologize!

Anyways, I hope you have a great Christmas, holiday, Winter break, day/night, everyone!

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