Chapter 16

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No'ones POV

Pure Vanilla stared around the now dead - silent room. Everyone seemed shocked except the 3 legendaries, Cotton, Madeleine, Ginger-brave and his team, Espresso, and the Ancients.

"So, enough of this. We must schedule out and plan our teams, timings, and wherebouts," Espresso said with a serious voice, taking action first, "I propose a week to two we act."

"Woah, so this was why we're meeting?" Caramel Arrow breathed, "I am so grateful you have chosen me to carry out this task here my king."

"Miss Latte! Why didn't you tell me and Choco Mocha this was the extra thing we will be doing?!" Cream Puff squeeled with excitement, fear, and wonder.

"Well, my brother here, decided it was alright to  skip some important details when asking me to attend this meeting," Latte snapped, glaring at Espresso, "I assumed this was going to be just another mission! I haven't told the principal that I can no longer teach next week for my class, nor have I found myself a subsitute!"

"Which is why I suggest in a week or two we take action," Espresso sighed in irritation, "This way, we can all close our stores, shops, works, ahead of time. Also, just get Almond to teach, don't be so dramatic."

"Excuse me? If you want dramatic it is when I offer you some milk for your coffee. You act like the world is dying!" Latte defended offended, "And Almond is a horrible teacher, no offense. He is so strict, and he almost arrested me and Cream Puff one time!"

"Let's calm down, we are all fighting together," Madeleine tried to reason, placing his hand on Espresso's shoulder.

"Espresso, why do you think me and Creme Puff can be any help?" Chocolate Mocha questioned.

"Well, I believe if we train harder than usuall this week you guys will be a great asset," Espresso said.

"You're his favourite student and Creme Puff's your bestrfriend," Sparkling chuckled under his breath.

"No she isn't," Espresso protested.

"My king, I'll make sure we do our best!"  Caramel Arrow exclaimed to Dark Cacoa.

"I'm sure you will," Dark Cacoa said, "Be sure to look for Dark Choco on your way. He most likely foolishly decided to attack them himself and got captured."

"Yes sir!" She replied determined.

"Lighten up Raspberry! You are fully capable!" Hollyberry cheered to Raspberry who looked tense.

"I surely will succeed, house Raspberry does not fail!" Raspberry responded, "I sure hope Latte and Parfait will also be fine."

"Don't be worried about your girlfriends!" Hollyberry reasured, "Parfait will be safe, and Latte is an impressive proffesor!"

"Mum, Mama?" Herb said, adressing Moonlight and Sea fairy who had been chatting with Cotton about her friend Sherbet.

"Who will take care of the ocean with both of you guys fighting with us?" He questioned.

"Moonlight plans to head back. I have already abandoned my duties a long time ago so therefor I can put my full energy into this," Sea Fairy replied.


Herb was cut off from the large rise in volume from the gathered cookies. Now, the silent room with few conversations had abrupted with arguments, suggestions, and questions. Pure Vanilla looked distressed. Now, all the cookies have known by now that White Lily was Dark Enchantress from the previous battles (Herb was informed by his parents), and several were throwing in ways to save her stop her in the chaos.

"Enough," A cold, sharp, voice said, and frost appeared near the chair of the speaker.

Frost Queen stood up as silence fell over the room.

"I agree, this must be taken care of, as the circle of life has and is being disrupted," She continued, "There is 20 of us here that will be battling. I suggest we seperate into 4 teams of 5."

"That's a good suggestion, but who'll form the teams and where would everyone be posted?" Queried Pure Vanilla.

"Teams 1 and 2 should battle. Team 3 should keep cookies safe. Team 4 should destroy whatever is helping Dark Enchantress, rescue the prisoners, and be back up," Frost Queen replied without hesitation.

"Hm, that's not a bad formation. Then team 1 should consist of the Ancients, Black Raisin, and Rye. The second should consist of Sea Fairy, Gingerbrave's team without Custard, and Herb. The third can consist of Cotton, Caramel Arrow, Forst Queen, and Raspberry. The last will be me, Madeleine, Latte, Sparkling, and the two youngster. Anyone disagree?" Espresso added in.

Herb nervously raised his hand up, causing everyone to turn to him curiously.

"I-I-I U-uhm," He stuttered, worried if his idea would be bad and no one would like it.

Sparkling gently placed his hand on Herb's shoulder to calm him and gave him a smile. Herb returned a gentle smile, and took a short breath.

"I-I think that we should sort our team's similar to that, but maybe we can get some extra cookies for defense? I feel like Caramel Arrow, Raspberry, and Frost Queen are more like the type to battle," Herb mumbled, "W-well, I-I mean Frost Queen can put up a really good defense with an ice wall. Caramel Arrow can also shoot from above."

Espresso nodded for him to continue, "Maybe Cocoa, Parfait, Mint, and Clover could help defend or help? Just some examples. And we could combine teams 1 and 2 together along with Raspberry. A-also maybe some healers could help injured cookies if any cookieies got attacked by cake hounds that snuck in?"

"I think that's a good plan," Sparkling grinned.

"Mhm," Herb's parent's also nodded.

A murmur of agreements arose, before stopping when Dark Cacoa coughed to gather everyone's attention back to Pure Vanilla.

"We'll go with that then, but we need to notify the 4 cookie's and the healers first," Pure Vanilla said, "I leave the job of informing those 4 cookie's up to you, Herb, and Sparkling."

"Why us?" Sparkling asked.

"You both are closer to those cookies, plus they hang out at your bar Sparkling," Pure Vanilla explained, "Is that fine with you two?"

"Yep," Herb said as Sparkling said, "I don't mind."

"Then let us come together in a week, at the same time," Pure Vanilla said, ending the meeting.

After that, all the cookies left except the Ancients. They all sat together, grim and frustrated.

Hollyberry was the first to speak, "I know you love her. We'll get her back."

"Do you know how to save her?" Dark Cacoa asked.

"We need to get her to remember us with strong emotion. She has become one with her. But if he remembers us, I think she can find the light and be serperated. Then, we can stop the true Dark Enchantress from using her body again," Pure Vanilla said, "Let's just hope it's not too late."


Word count: 1087

I hope you liked that chapter :D. I have gotten a new chromebook, but let's hope I get to keep it. I lose it if I don't get higher than 80 on my lvl 8 piano exam Xd, so wish meh luck for it in 11 days :)

Have a good day/night!

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