Chapter 11

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Sparkling's Pov

The room seem to hold its breath as the bottle spun to a stop.. pointing strait towards Herb's bewildered face. My face instantly lit up as Herb's turned into a bright strawberry.

"Oh, My, God!!" Latte squealed with the Parfait as chorus and Cocoa giggling, "Ok, both of you, get going~!"

"H-huh?!" Herb squeaked before getting shoved into the closet.

Oh. God. Was this really happening? Latte giggled with her girlfriends as Cocoa and Parfait then grabbed my arms and pulled me onto my feet. Huh, actually I think Latte used her magic. I thought to myself. I'm not sure if I should be angry, excited, nervous, or all three. My eyes widened at what was happening. They shoved me in before I could react, strait into Herb's arms and leaving my face inches away from his. Soon after, I heard the door behind me slam and press me against Herb even more, except this time we were also enveloped in darkness.

"Th-their closet's r-really t-t-tight huh?" Herb mumbled, close enough for me to smell his hair, which smelt like mint and fresh cut grass.

"Ha ha yeah," I chuckled awkwardly as I mentally thought if my breath was bad, "This, is their cupboard from brooms, but they took it out. The room were were in stored party things like tables and chairs."

"O-oh," Herb said softly, "That room's pretty big already. Imagine how spacious the other rooms are."

"Yeah," I agreed, "but this cupboards still pretty small."

At least I'm with you in a tight space and not someone else. I added silently.

I shuffled around and tried to get more comfortable but bumped into Herb's arms instead.

"Ow," I heard a whimper.

"S-Sorry!" I yelped to the dark.

"It's fine.." Herb mumbled, "I have an idea actually."

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

I heard some shuffling, a bag opening, and Herb Taking a deep breath. A soft glow of yellow grew near my chest, illuminating Herb's concentrated adorable face. In his hands, he held a small glowing sphere.

"What's that?" I whispered in awe.

"A cacti glow berry." Herb replied with a small smile, "It grows in desert caves and only need a little bit of water to survive. It looks prickly, but it's actually softer."

He reached his arms around the side of my head and fixed the glowberries to above by a hook. The hook probably used to store the dust pan thingy. 

"There!" He announced as he dropped his hands down quickly.

His wrists landed on my shoulders causing me to blush, "S-sorry!"

"Don't be," I murmured as I gazed into his pinkish face and chocolaty brown eyes.

Our eyes locked and I felt instinctively drawn to him.. His soft skin.. His chocolate eyes.. his leafy, soft, hair.. his lips.. He gazed back at me and I found myself leaning in, slowly shutting me eyes as he did the same..

When the door suddenly got pulled open, blinding both of us. I twisted around and threw my arms over my face.

"Oh my~ Are we interrupting anything boys?" Raspberry teased, shooting us a smirk.

"N-no!" Herb stammered from beside me, turning bright red.

"Nu-uh. It looked like you guys were about to kiss!" Latte interjected.

Vampire shot me a sympathetic but also teasing look, to which I internally sighed. I was about to kiss Herb but we got cut! Not that I'll ever tell Latte who loved to talk, Parfait who would make us a song, Raspberry who would tease us, Madeleine who may also blabber to everyone including Pure Vanilla, or Vampire who would probably tease me as well. He'll leave Herb flustered trying to get to know everything. Espresso seems like he doesn't care as much on the outside, but he'll still be happy for me. Cocoa would probably giggle as well to her husband, Mint, whom would be chill about it. Mint being Herb's old friend may give me descent tips though.. but that's not the point! They interrupted us!

"So what if something happened," I grumbled, "It's getting late, let's go to sleep."

"It's only 12am-" Latte whined.

I pushed past the cookies while holding onto Herb's hand. I ignored the others as I took me and Herb's toothbrush and toothpastes. Then I kept on walk and didn't let go of him until we reached one of Madeleine's bathroom.

"Are you alright?" Herb piped and I glanced at him.

"Yeah, just a bit irritated they burst in on us like that," I sighed looking down.

"Oh ok," Herb stammered, "So about that.."

"Did you not want it?" I questioned embarrassed.

His eyes widened, "N-no! I kind of was looking for.. never mind."

"I like you," I blurted out then immediately clamped my hand over my mouth.

He looked at me in surprise but then gave me a small smile, "I lo- like you you too."

"I-I mean as in like- like. More than friends," I stuttered as I felt my cheeks flare up. "There's a feeling in my chest that wants to burst whenever I see you."

He blinked at me with wide eyes and I feared for the worst.. but instead he smiled at me even wider.

"Honestly, I love you too," he confessed, "But can we wait? I don't think I'm ready. I want to get to know you better first."

My spirits dropped a bit before soaring again. He likes me! Maybe he hasn't been in a relationship before.

"Ofcource," I replied in an understanding tone.

We finished brushing our teeth and I turned to him. I gathered up my courage and gave him a quick peck on the forehead. He blush and I did too, both of us turning away flustered.

"L-let's go to sleep now," Herb suggested quietly.

I nodded and we both walked back to the room. Everyone had set up their sleeping bags and were changed into pajamas.

"We all finished brushing our teeth," informed Espresso, "Also changing obviously."

"Anything happen?" Espresso added underneath his breath so only I could hear.

I shook my head and he gave a short nod before being dragged off by Madeleine. We turned the lights off and crawled under our sleeping bags. 

"By the way my parents are coming tomorrow," Herb murmured to me, well we were back to back but I could tell.

"Ok," I breathed, "Night Herby."

"Night Sparky."


Word count: 1017

Hope you enjoyed, have a good day/night!

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