The wind kept blowing into my hair making me sigh in contentment as I relax for the first time today. I love chilly days, they are so relaxing even though I am usually as pale as mayo, I love it. It's refreshing.

When the bell rang, I took my pack with me and skipped out of the bleachers jogging back inside. It was very unfortunate for me that I had to pass through the cafeteria to get to my classes. To my favourite class, math class, which I still have with these two ill-mannered swines. How do they even have good grades? Smh. They are smarter than I had hoped.

I make it there in just a nick of time luckily. I don't like arriving late like.. anywhere. It's probably because I've tried to keep attention from me for so long. There's people that were still entering after me luckily so I didn't get any attention from them this time. By them I mean Jordan and his buddy that has major anger issues. I gingerly take my usual seat on the first row, the second seat from the back. I pull out my phone when the teacher waits for other students to fill in. As soon as my screen awakes, all I see is multiple texts from Anais, she is definitely mad.

My face drops when I'm reminded of my problems that I had a moment to ignore. Just because I ignored them it doesn't mean they went away. Why can't my life be simple? Why can't I just go through high school as a normal student, the side character that comes and goes in movies. They have very nice lives.

Just as the teacher starts scribbling on the board some equations, all attention turns to a girl that enters just at the moment. The first thing I notice is her dark red Afro that looks both edgy and fierce. I'm immediately drawn to the girl, although I don't know how but my chest warms just at the sight of her. My eyes can't look away, I can only guess everyone in the classroom feels the same with the silence that follows right after her presence.

I notice in one of her hands is a jacket that and a bag pack over her shoulder, her other hand is holding a skateboard. She's obviously new judging by the way they look at her and I've never exactly seen her around either. But I do know that people at this school pay new students so much attention it's ridiculous.

She arrived in the middle of the year. I hope she doesn't insult any wolves like me, she's too pretty to be as dumb as I was. Although, I still stand unapologetic about what I said. It was definitely justified prior to their belief. She quietly greets the teacher before she turns to face the class, accept unlike me, she doesn't seem to shy away from the attention. Instead, she looks like she's basking from it. The first indication she's not a human.

The second indication is her eyes. They are a scarlet crimson, almost matching her hair but they look slightly lighter. She's a vampire, but it's not common for them to keep their eyes crimson unless they are very angry or if they feel threatened or otherwise being the threat. She doesn't look like any of the above, in fact, the way she waltz in the classroom indicates someone with confidence and little to no fear in a room of predators.

She takes an empty seat next to my desk on the third row. I'm my mind I've already looked away but my vision is still filled with her dark chocolaty skin, even when her crimson eyes turn to face mine. My mind finally snaps out of the trance when I notice her lips curve into a smirk. I quickly look back at my phone.

"See anything you like?" Her comes her strong and bold voice that matches her attitude perfectly. It is something you could listen to, not high pitched but laid back. Wait is she flirting with me? My cheeks suddenly start burning and a small smile makes its way to my lips, but I don't answer her.

"I know I do." My smile drops and I roll my eyes knowing whose voice that is. These two are womanizers, even if it's different species, if it's a pretty girl it's enough for them. They just might get killed someday for being such idiots.

The thought makes me light up again. I do hope they meet the wrong girl.

"Keep it to yourself dog." She barks back making everyone in the classroom look at her in shock. Well, me with amusement, even the teacher hears this and he is human so he doesn't get affected by the insult. But it's the same insult that got me in trouble, so far, i didn't think she would let the dogs push her around like do.

"Okay, everyone settle down." Mr Jones clears his throat and starts his lesson.

When I take a sneak peak at Jorden, who was the one to comment this time, I see unlike with me he doesn't look mad. In fact, hr looks entertained more than anything, I guess he likes being insulted by vampires but not humans? Argh why does it matter anyway?

The girl seems cool and is clearly not scared of telling off the two bullies of the school. My main problem. I could try to befriend her but I can't make her my friend for some sort of protection and possibly risk her getting the same treatment for socializing with the biggest loser here. After finding out about my social status, she definitely will laugh at my face. So I'd rather save myself further embarrassment.

Vampires are not as territorial and jerks like wolves. They usually either only hang with each other or alone. It's not hard to spot them and they are also a nice view to stare. Completely and utterly gorgeous, and unfortunately so are wolves.

In the next hour I listen closely as I usually do. The only thing the wolves can't take from me is that I always beat them in this class, I'm better at them in math and I think it contributes to their dislike for me. But I won't stop being as good as I am, for the sake of my future I would never sell myself short just for imbeciles as such. Although sooner than needed, the bell rang indicating the end of the class period.

As I walk out, I walk pretty fast so those Tyler doesn't get to annoy me between my classes. I suddenly feel a nudge that touches my injured hand causing me to jolt from shock and drop my books when I turn around. But the books did not meet the ground as the person caught them with impossibly quick reflexes.

"Relax, damn. Are all humans so jumpy?" Its her. It's the vampire girl and she's talking to me? I freeze in my spot even when she hands me the books, my arms seem to know what to do but my mouth won't let up anything. "I went to a single species school." She adds, but I still don't reply.

I clear my throat when I notice I probably look like an idiot for standing here without anything coming from my mouth. I hug my books to my chest and nervously clear my throat.

"Uhm, thanks." I say blinking a few times, is she being friendly with me? Maybe I should take the opportunity to return it. "You're lucky, it's not that nice here." I respond.

She throws her head back and releases a melodic laugh, I return it with a chuckle, starting to feel at ease in her presence. "Being stuck with wolves? Yeah, that seems like a bummer. But I'm an open person so." She shrugs and starts walking, I do the same and walk beside her.

"I'm Celine by the way." I say, attempting to continue the conversation.

"Cool. I'm Babe." She replies, my brows furrow in confusion, what kind of name is that? When she notices my expression though, she quickly says, "Don't ask. My parents are just weird." I smile instead.

"You seem famous Celine, you don't strike me as one of those popular girls." I look around and notice the people that see me walking with her, obviously probably curious as to why someone like her is hanging out with me. She really doesn't know.

"That's one way to put it. I insulted some high ranking werewolves on my second day here, they seem to be good at holding grudges." I mindlessly reply, somehow she finds that hilarious also because she laughs her ass off.

"Yeah? You have math too right?" She asks unexpectedly and I nod in reply.

"Then by all means, lead the way weird human girl." She says and gestures for me to continue our walk. This Babe girl, she's different and she happens to find me funny and make me feel at ease. Did I make my first friend in America? Wait she just called me weird. Hey!

Maybe this year won't be that bad, she's a vampire but she's a cool one. Not a jerk.


Hey guys! Any thoughts on Babe? I loved the name Babe from game shakers, the personality just fit.

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