I reluctantly lift my hand and start patting around my dresser until I find the thing and turn it off. With a deep and tired breath, I push myself up from and sit up straight. I feel somewhat better than I did before because I remember recovering from my injuries.

With great panic that starts to course through my body, I lift my shirt to see my wounds have been tended to.

Although I felt so refreshed as I got up from the bed. I checked my body and saw that my bruises were tended to. Oh no no no she knows. Shit what good lie will I come up with?

Was I in such a deep sleep I didn't even feel being touched? I have random anxiety and that means I'm a very light sleeper, my body may be shut down but my mind always picks up on things around me. I'd wake up the instant I feel a presence close to me, I mean unless I'm sick, my senses get easily blocked then. I guess she probably assumed I was sick to see that I was more like being bullied and abused by my own peers like the coward that I am.

I didn't have time for pondering over 'what if's' as I started venturing in my wardrobe for some clothes. As soon as I found something to wear, I tiptoed out of my room to the bathroom. I didn't want mom to wake up because she will shower me with questions before I reach the actual shower.

"I can hear you, you know." I halt once I hear mom's voice from her slightly open door. Curse the designer for putting her room near the shower! "We have to talk once you're back from school, and I don't want lies Marceline." She adds sternly.

Mom is not one to get easily mad but about me, she always gets furious. I am her only daughter and have been her only family after a long time so I understand. She gets so mad that she will give you the silent treatment for days. I don't want the silent treatment. I talk non stop when I'm with someone I'm used to. I don't want that, that will make things much worse for me and i have a really good thing going on right now. At least it's a day for me to come up with a convincing lie.

As I get myself ready for school, I wear a plain blue cropped top and some baggy jeans with my white kicks, not forgetting a zip up hoodie to cover me up. It's not that hot and neither is it cold. My outfit is simple but hopefully it covers me well. My cropped top meets halfway with my jeans so to cover some bruises that my hoodie couldn't hide. That is my life now, covering my body because I have to not because I want to.

I did not feel like breakfast today so I sat on
the couch, waiting for mom as I checked my messages. So many messages from Anais and I see that she already knows too. Mom must have told her. For the first time in a while I wish to be at school more than I wish to be at home.

I'm scared of breaking down in front of them, what they say to me matters more than what people say to me. I'd hate myself, matter of fact I do hate myself for putting them in this position. I'm a horrible daughter and a bad friend, that has been established. Mom finally comes downstairs not bothering to eat either and we silently head for the car. The silence hurts more than any words she would say. I hope she grounds me even from school.

"I know you didn't want me involved for a reason, I will let it slide. But if I see it again, I am pulling you out of that school and calling the cops on those delinquent children." She leaves no room for arguments as we arrive to hell, I meant school.

I don't say anything but nod and I step out of the car after sending my farewell to her. People already knew me, did I say there were no cliques here? Oh yeah, Holden and his band of delinquents are the populars. Mom's word not mine.

And when you mess with the populate, not to mention these are supernaturally strong populate that are used to bullying other supernaturals without skin as weak as mine, you give yourself social suicide. Or in my case, actual suicide.

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