Chapter 7 - Fernastian

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The Fernastian Forest was a large dense area based at the lower end of the southern curve. The trees stood a hundred feet tall.

Locals dare not enter the forest with so many horror stories of wolves, bears, and even witches and dragons. It was easy to see why this had become a place of fear and terror.

But legend has spoken of a lady high in the mountains beyond the entire forest. Reaching almost to the sea, atop the highest point overlooking the surrounding areas. A witch or an elf nobody's quite sure, maybe even both.

Rumours dating back to even before the War of Flames. This lady of the forest as she is often referred to; seems to keep herself to herself, but anyone who dares enter the forest is met with sometimes gruesome consequences.

Needless to say, the Fernastian people steer clear of this very forest at all costs.

Koval village was a lightly populated area to the left of the great Fernastian Forest. Shadowed by the tall trees and separated by a small river that ran past the village.

Only the brave remained in the village, the woodcutters and ironmongers refused to be ejected from their homes, despite decades of stories and horrors from within the nearby forest.

Despite all this Koval was also under the protection of Chillington castle and its king. But protection was a very feeble word to use, as Chillington refused to deploy soldiers as watchmen in Koval.

The strong-blooded Fernastian's did not concern themselves with years of broken promises from the king.

Since King Eriez had become ruler of the realms, Koval was disregarded on a large scale. So instead, they protected themselves from dangers with sword and shield.

If needed they would fight to the bloody death, and when required would defend their livelihoods with their very lives.

Over time the villagers built huge thirty-foot fences made of thick tree trunks; pointed at the top to ensure extra damage to any invaders. Eventually, this fence created a border around the entire village. They protected themselves and let no one pass their fences.

Gordon Pearson became the Lord of this town. He would manage their finances and trade business.

He would keep his promises to the king and supply the city with strong high-quality wood, along with shields which had become a trademark for the people of Koval.

Today and the present day was the day for a handover of goods.

Gordon Pearson was to meet with the king's men and hand over a large number of shields and wood.

This meeting took place close to the edge of the city, meaning that the people of Koval had to travel across the Chillington fields to meet up with the king's guards.

The horse-drawn cart pulled up slowly as Lord Pearson yanked on the reins. "Easy now" he called.

"Awful weather Mister Pearson?" The guard called out through the heavy rain.

"Terrible Sir, this doesn't do us woodcutters much good."

"The king has asked for double his normal requirements next time, and he needs them in two weeks, not four." the guard made the king's demand very clear.

"My men cannot meet such ridiculous requests, that is absurd." Lord Pearson yelled back.

"King's orders Mister Pearson. He will of course pay treble his normal price, as a goodwill gesture."

"It's not the pay good Sir. It is the timescale." Gordon pleaded.

The guard signalled to a colleague to take the reins from Mister Pearson.

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