Chapter 3 - Tremor

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The year was 812.

Solchase was a beautiful quiet little town in the south of Colltalios. A long winding path with tall tree's either side led to the heart of the town.

Surrounded entirely by woodland it was secluded and peaceful.

Lord Bruce Winnerman owned the town. This distinguished tall man made sure that the people of the town were kept in order. He also made sure that visiting traders were paid a fair price, as well as asking for a fair price in return.

Solchase was renowned for its farms, cattle and crops provided the main income for this hardworking town.

One of the hardest-working farmers was a man called Wilfred Brightman. Just like his father before him and even his father's father.

Wilfred was married to a young lady by the name of Beverly, and together they had a young son called Charlie.

Charlie was the most helpful, charming and often cheekiest little boy there had ever been.

Always on hand to help. Eager to learn all there was to learn. Polite and well-mannered, and not to mention sharp and witty, but never rude.

On one particular summer morning, Charlie was in trouble once more. His intuition created a stir with his father.

"Charlie how many times? You cannot wander the fields alone. Your mother and I were worried sick." The boy's father angrily pleaded with his son.


"No buts... it's a dangerous world out there and you cannot wander off alone."

Charlie bowed his head knowing that his father was truly disappointed in him. Despite his father teaching him good survival and fighting skills, it seemed Charlie wasn't allowed to use them, and even though he was only seven he was a very intelligent and inquisitive little boy.

"Look, son, when your little brother or sister arrives things will go back to normal, I promise."

Charlie's mother was expecting a baby, a brother or sister for Charlie, but he hoped it wasn't the latter.

Occasionally Charlie would help harvest potatoes and carrots from the family farm, and sometimes was asked to fetch small amounts of firewood from the forest. This was where Charlie would go on adventures.

Instead of returning with haste, Charlie would wander further than the borders of his home town of Solchase.

Charlie picked up a stick and pretended to use it as a sword.

"The great warrior Charlie could not be defeated in battle. His sword skills could not be matched." he declared proudly to an empty space.

He swung the stick back and forth wielding it like a real sword, pretending he was a warrior on the battlefield. Cutting down tall weeds and grass as he wandered through a nearby field.

Soon the grass reeds were taller than the small boy. He stood on tiptoes to peer over the tall grass. Looking in all different directions but he couldn't see much at all.

"Maybe I should head back?" Charlie began to wonder.

But he began to hear faint whispers. He thought maybe he was imagining it, but it was definitely a faint call and he began to wander further through the field. The sound of nature could be heard from crickets and birds. Suddenly the noise disappeared and the boy was left surrounded by no sound at all.

He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned. The long grass and pollen swayed as the wind gently moved the reeds. The boy continued to look around, but still no sound. All of a sudden, the ground he stood upon collapsed and he slipped. He appeared to be falling a short way down a narrow dirt shaft. Charlie landed in a heap of dirt and dust and it took a while for him to gather his bearings.

Dragon's Reclaim - The Book of Tremor Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now