Chapter 6 - Sibling's

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In the Year 800 - The Aftermath of the War.

"Brother, what do we do now?" Colossal asked.

The cave had plunged into darkness; the dust from the broken and fallen rocks filled the air.

The dragons though could see through the darkness, and as their eyes glowed bright orange they were able to make out the faint outline of one another.

"We are trapped; the Narrow Mountains are indeed only that."

"No way out?" Colossal could not believe his ears.

"Only the way in which you just saw collapse and seal our fate." Tremor said in a dejected tone.

"This cannot be? We..." Colossal coughed violently, he was weak and drained from the battle.

"Brother you must rest, you are hurt, and you need to keep what strength you have left."

"Why? So, I can die here in this cave later rather than sooner?" Colossal roared weakly,

The younger dragons stared at Colossal, who lay flat on his belly in front of the sealed entrance.

Their eyes filled with fear and despair; cowering and shivering; unsure whether to speak or simply wait to be spoken to.

Tremor knew his brother was weak, amidst the darkness he could see that this was their end; there was no bright light only darkness, blackness, cold air and the smell of blood.

Tremor could feel the very fear amongst the surviving dragons.

"Brother, we will rise once more, in a land far from here." Tremor spoke softly.

"Nonsense my dear brother, you know not of any realms beyond these."

"But I do, our journey does not end here, we will fly the skies once more my brother I promise thee."

Colossal smiled faintly, despite all his rage and anger he always trusted in his older sibling.

"But what future can we carve now? We are too few; we will fade away and become the monsters of their books."

Tremor tried hard to muster all of his courageous words. "We have to fight on; our legacy will not fade if our young ones tell tales of our struggles."

"So, we live on through them?"

"Yes, my brother, we live in their shadows and protect them throughout their lives, so that they may do the same one day."

Two days had passed; heavy storms had slowly brought rainwater into the cave. Tremor had watched as his brother Colossal faded with every passing hour, yet fought on and on seemingly unable to give up.

His partner attended to his needs at every moment, giving her husband every ounce of comfort that she was able.

Melisell was a faithful caring partner, although half his size Melisell shared the same fearsome temperament as her husband.

And although injured she had made it through the war in a far better condition that the other six dragons.

But Tremor's betrothed was weak, a long slim brown female dragon who went by the name of Ameivalia.

Pierced and slashed all across her sides, Ameivalia had been just behind the powerful brothers giving everything she had in battle.

Three other younger dragons remained huddled at the rear of the sealed cave, unsure of their fates and concerned about how the elders would ensure their survival.

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