With that, the corners of Cedric's lips rose into a smile, noticing the pacing improvement of his master and his wife.

"You can take a break while you eat the food that the madam had prepared, my lord."

"Tsk." Leon clicked his tongue, turning to see outside the window. His eyes followed the three small figures that walked across the garden.

"That's what I was going to do." He spoke firmly, answering Cedric. His gaze lingered at the figure in the middle in particular.

It Cordelia who was being followed by her handmaidens. She was walking across the garden to make her way at the other side of the castle.

"Did you feel touched by the madam's sudden effort to please you these days?" Cedric asked, grinning. 

Hearing that made Leon turn back around, facing Cedric with a long frown and knitted brows. "What..?"

"You look like you're in a good mood already my lord. You know, I'm starting to think that you're starting to like the lady-"

"If you do not refrain your mouth from speak any more nonsense, you would lose your job." Leon tightly smiled, his eyes fiercely piercing Cedric's head.

Cedric immediately covered his mouth with his hand. "Ah-hahah" He laughed awkwardly.

"I was only fooling around, my lord. You should try loosening your mood more often."

"Ah, by the way. The madam's handmaiden told me that she was planning to-"

"That is enough Cedric." He said, continuing to read through the documents while taking a bite of the food that Cordelia had prepared.

"Don't inform me of everything she does. I have a lot of matters to worry about right now."

"Understood, my lord."


In the brink of the moment, despite his words, Leon somehow found himself looking back at the window. His eyes searching for Cordelia, and as soon as his gaze landed on her, his eyes never left her back until she was out of his sight.

THE days passed, and the day of the royal banquet finally arrived.



The sound of the rattling carriage filled the silence between the two.

Cordelia watched the passing scenery in the moonless night from inside the carriage. Her eyes never left the window since earlier.

Her hands were nervously fidgeting as she realized they were nearing the castle.

Cordelia's neck was decorated with a fine green jewel, sparkling under the dim lamp light. The dress she wore was extravagant, suiting the latest trend.

A small nervous breath left her lips as the sight of bright and lively the royal palace entered her sighed. Cordelia's eyes shifted from the window onto Leon.

Her gaze lingered upon her husband's sleeping figure. Leon slept peacefully while sitting in front Cordelia. His head rested on the side of the carriage, seemingly in deep slumber.

She had already guessed that he was still exhausted.

'He must be tired be cause of his work.' She thought to herself, quietly pursing her lips. She was lost in thoughts as she started at his face, mesmerized.

'Even in his sleep, he still looks handsome.' Thought Cordelia. Her eyes no longer bore on the scenery from outside the carriage window, but was now fixated on the face of her husband.

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora