"You doing the most is what's funny. You knew what happened at high-school parties before you allowed her to go and just because there were drinks and drugs at the party, doesn't mean Summer did any of them. Can we go to sleep now?" Dad rubs his face.

My mom looks back and forth between Dad and I before holding her hands up in surrender.

"Goodnight" My mom says walking away.

"Thanks Dad" I giggle and he nods with a chuckle.


"So let me get this straight, you started fighting because Dj was fighting?" I ask Bj after the police just dropped him off.

He nods "He was getting jumped, I wasn't about to just stand there"

My eyes widen

"Oh he was getting jumped? okay then, you good" I tell him nodding.

I was about to say what my mama use to say to me. If your friends jump off a cliff are you gone jump too?

But that doesn't apply now...

"Go to sleep, you got basketball tryouts in the morning" I tell Bj while checking the time on my watch.

It's eleven pm..

"I'm high, can I at least eat first?" Bj asks causing me to chuckle.

I nod "Go eat man"

He stands up, walking into the kitchen.

"Your mama picking you up after basketball tryouts, it's her week" I tell Bj.

"I know" He tells me from the kitchen.

"You saw your aunt China today?" I ask Bj.

I couldn't stop myself from asking. I haven't been able to get in contact with her and I was suppose to be seeing her tomorrow while the boys were at tryouts..

I need to know where her mind is at now that Red is home.

She got me fucked up if she thinks I'm letting her go...

"Yeah, I saw her earlier, why?" Bj responds bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I was just asking" I shrug my shoulders.


I get woken up by a hard knock at the door.

"Baby let me go answer the door" I tell China, removing her sleeping body from my chest.

I stand up, walking out of the room and down the stairs.

Walking to the front door, I open it, coming face to face with an officer and Dj.

The fuck?

"Sir we were called to a house party riot and when we got there we found a bunch of kids including yours, that were smoking, drinking and one of them even had percs. We decided not to give out any charges and to just bring the kids home"  The officer tells me.

I look at Dj who has a busted lip like he been fighting..

"Well thanks for bringing him home" I tell the officer.

"No problem, y'all have a good night" The officer nods.

Dj walks into the house and China runs down the stairs.

"What happened to your face?" China asks Dj in a panic while touching his lip.

"I got into a fight" Dj shrugs

"With who?" China asks him.

"Raheem, he wouldn't leave Summer alone and when I told him to, he swung on me" Dj answers

"That boy has always been trouble" China shakes her head.

"Who's Raheem?" I ask confused.

"This boy Dj fought like six times in the eighth grade" China answers.

I look at Dj.

"Did you win?" I ask him raising an eyebrow.

"Every fight" He nods with a smirk.

I chuckle "That's my boy" I give him a dap.

"Red" China squints her eyes at me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Dj ain't no fucking baby and it's not like the lil nigga Raheem didn't deserve it" I tell China

"Okay" She replies shaking her head.

"Go to bed Dj, you got basketball tryouts in the morning" China tells him.

That explains all the basketball trophy's in his room.. We haven't really gotten to catch up yet.

"After basketball tryouts you want to spend the day with me?" I ask Dj and he instantly smiles.

"Hell yeah" He answers.

"Watch your mouth" China tells him.

"Yes ma'am, sorry" Dj responds to China before smirking at me and of course I smirk back.

▪️Updating asap ! Thanks For Reading XOXO 🖤🖤🖤

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