A note that I will be deleting later

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If you are here because you saw the message on my profile- thank you. Truly, I mean that. Some of you might get sick of hearing me say this, but I really am so grateful to have a found a community so supportive of my writing.

I'm trying something new- dipping my toes into the fantasy genre. Because I'm me, this will still be a dark story... you probably already guessed that though lol.

I might regret putting this story up early, before I've had a chance to really think about things or plan ahead. But maybe that's the best time to be vulnerable- when you haven't had a chance to overthink it.

Anyway... I plan to use this page for updates or notes or ideas and I hope you all can use this to comment ideas, or give feedback too. As always, I welcome messages- I love hearing what people think as long as its said with kindness.

This will be the story in its most raw form. Minimal edits... probably spelling or grammar errors. But I trust you all will point those out to me ;)

Willa Hex - A Dark Fantasy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now