"I don't know," I admitted, resting my head on his shoulder. This is the big brother that I missed but I'm still really upset with him.

"Do you need to talk?" He looked behind him to see that the rest of the group went into another room.

I sat back, heaving with the pain in my chest. "I'll be fine. All this is overwhelming to me and Gustavo's yelling is just annoying," I explained, itching to text Luke. He was in the studio finishing the album. Literally. It is set to get released in two weeks.

"I get that." There was an awkward pause. "I am really sorry. I thought about it and it wasn't right. I want to try to rebuild our relationship on your terms," Kendall said, sincerity in his eyes. Though, I wasn't sure how much I could trust.

"I'm not ready for that. You've hurt me way too much for me to just let it go right away. I need time," I explained, trying to control my quivering lip.

He nodded and stood up putting his thumb behind his shoulder. "I need to get back, but if you need anything," he awkwardly said, shuffling away.

"Hey, Kendall?" He turned around just as he was about to open the door. "Just do me one thing? Stop going along with James when he is bashing his ex-girlfriend."

My twin was visibly confused but nodded anyway. I took a few more minutes, sipping on the water that I bought. I felt weak and shaky but I still stumbled to my feet.

The moment I went into the room, I was dismissed. "You aren't needed right now. I'll pay you half your wage," Gustavo said in a normal voice for once. I didn't even blink and was out of the building before he could have a chance to call me back.

I began my walk home, pissed that I forgot my headphones. It was a little chilly and I could feel a breeze through my sweatshirt. Where did the time go? It was around nine when we walked into the studio and now it was almost lunchtime.


Michael pulled up to the side of the road, leaning across the passenger seat. "Hey, Michael. Whatcha doing?" I asked, leaning on the car door.

He gave me a smile as the smell of pizza hit me. It made my stomach churn and not in a good way. "Just getting lunch for us. Do you want to come to the studio? Normally we don't let anyone in that could be a distraction inside, but Crystal is there and I want you to meet her," he explained. I shrugged before opening the door and hopping in.

"I thought the studio was the other way," I asked when he began to go back towards Rocque records.

Michael did a double-take. "No? Why would you think that?"

"Luke always walked me back from the cafe. He said it was on the way to your studio," I explained, a warm feeling spreading across my chest.

"Well, um," Michael stuttered before barking out a laugh of disbelief. "Now I know why he was late - aside from the meetups," he said, giving me a smile.

Though he lied, it meant a lot to me that he wanted to make sure I got back okay. "I hate that I made him late," I remarked as Michael turned into a parking lot.

"You didn't know. He's a grown man-child that can make his own choices," Michael remarked with a smirk. The door creaked as I opened it for him. He paused as I stepped in behind him and let the door shut. "Just please don't hurt him."

I gave him the warmest smile I could muster because that came out of the blue. "I don't plan on it. I promise," I said, waiting until he nodded and began to walk again.

"I brought food and a Kaley!" he yelled, a loud crashing noise before Luke came into view. The moment he saw me a big smile crossed his face. Since he was as tall as a giraffe, it only took two steps before he swooped me into a hug.

Kill My Time | luke hemmings  ✓Where stories live. Discover now