Chapter 14 - An Exploration with Violet

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When Mr. Wonka had shouted for the boat to stop, the Oompa-Loompas stuck their oars into the river and backed the liquid furiously. The boat stopped.

The Oompa-Loompas then guided the boat alongside a larger door with the name of the room in huge letters above the door.


Mr. Wonka led them all inside, before turning around to face them.

"Now this is the most important room in the entire factory!" He explained. "Now, everyone enjoy yourselves, but just don't touch anything, 'kay?"

The children all ran off in different directions to explore the gigantic room.

Nolan was towards the back of the room where everyone could easily see him, when he heard a voice.

"What's up, dork?"

Nolan turned to face whoever had spoken, and it turned out to be Violet.

She was standing directly behind him, blowing and popping a bubble with her gum, her head cocked to one side and smiling coolly at him.

Nolan smiled in return. "You're Violet, right?"

The girl nodded. "Yep, and of course I know your name. It's Nolan."

"Nailed it right on the head." Nolan replied.

"You wanna look around with me?" She asked.

Nolan shrugged. "Sure, why not? I could use the company anyway."

Violet's smile seemed to grow even larger. She had finally scored one point!

"Great, come on." She said, and she connected their hands together as they walked. Nolan felt his cheeks get hot again, just as they did when Violet winked at him earlier in the morning.

"That'll show Veruca who this boy belongs to," the blonde girl thought to herself with a smug grin.

Speaking of Veruca, she was watching them with tight lips, fire in her eyes and a white-hot storm of jealousy and anger inside her.

"That gum-chewing brat's trying to take what's mine!" Her thoughts screamed in her head. "I'll show her eventually that Nolan will want to be with me and only me!"

Charlie stared around the room in which he now found himself. The place was like a witch's kitchen! All about him black metal cauldrons were boiling and bubbling, kettles were hissing, and strange iron machines were clanking and spluttering, and there were pipes running all over the ceiling and walls, and the whole place was filled with smoke and steam and delicious rich smells.

Violet and Nolan noticed a machine quite close to them, a small and rather shiny affair that kept going phut-phut-phut-phut-phut, and every time it went phut, a large marble dropped out of it into a pool of water where there was an Oompa-Loompa swimming inside, gathering the marbles to sort them. Each marble was a different colour, and in turn a different flavour. There were windows on all four ends of the circle, where Violet and Nolan could look through one of them and easily see underwater.

"Hey, Mr. Wonka!" She called over to the man in a bratty tone. "What's this?"

Mr. Wonka turned around, and his face lit up in excitement. "Oh! Let me show you!"

This attracted the attention of the others, and they all came to where Violet and Nolan were standing. Veruca shot Violet a glare, to which she just grinned smugly in return. Fortunately for them, Nolan didn't notice the interaction.

He strolled over just as the Oompa-Loompa surfaced, handing him a red marble.

"These are Everlasting Gobstoppers." He explained as he held up the marble for everyone to see. "They're for children who are given very little allowance money. You can suck on it all year and it'll never get any smaller! Isn't that neat?"

"It's like gum." Violet concluded.

"I don't think so, Violet." Nolan responded. "I mean, gum is for chewing, and I know you know that more than anyone. Wouldn't you break your teeth off if you tried that with one of these?"

"Precisely!" Mr. Wonka agreed. "But they sure do taste terrific."

With that, he walked off. Violet glanced at Nolan, who shrugged in response as they all followed him. The blonde girl protectively hooked an arm through Nolan's, causing him to blush again. She still felt Veruca's fury-filled eyes on her, but she didn't care in the slightest.

She was the champion now. Nolan was hers and hers alone.

Mr. Wonka led them to a group of colourful bubbling substances, each of which were held in different types of flasks that one might find in a high school chemistry class.

"This is Hair Toffee!" Mr. Wonka explained, as he held up a square of something of a light beige colour. "You suck down one of these little boogers and in exactly half an hour a brand new crop of hair will start growing out all over the top of your little noggin'. And a mustache, and a beard!"

Mike rolled his eyes. "Who wants a beard?"

"Well," Mr. Wonka answered. "Beatniks for one, folk singers and motorbike riders. You know, all those hip, jazzy, super-cool, neat, keen and groovy cats? It's in the fridge, daddy-o. Are you hep to the jive? Can you dig what I'm laying down? I knew that you could. Slide me some skin, soul brother."

He held out his hand towards Mike for a high five, but the boy stared back, confused at his antics.

Fortunately, Nolan saved him, clapping Mr. Wonka's hand with his own.

"And miners." He added. "Just like my Irish ancestors during the California Gold Rush of 1849."

He turned and smiled at his father, who beamed in return.

Mr. Wonka smiled too. "Unfortunately, the mixture isn't quite right yet, 'cause an Oompa-Loompa tried some yesterday, and well, he..."

He trailed off as an Oompa-Loompa approached them from the left. He had so much hair on his head that it reached down and trailed on the floor. There was so much of it that the Oompa-Loompa's face was not visible.

"How are you today?" Mr. Wonka asked the little person.

The Oompa-Loompa gave him a thumbs up with both hands.

"You look great!" Mr. Wonka complimented him further.

"Dude, you've overdone it!" Nolan said, trying desperately to hold back his laughter. "The mixture works too well!"

He looked down at the Oompa-Loompa. "You need a barber, my friend. Big time."

"Now, people, if you'll all step this way," Mr. Wonka continued further. "I will show you something that I am terrifically proud of!"

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory - Male OC Insertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن