Chapter 13 - A Childhood Memory

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"Hey, you're Charlie, right?" Nolan asked the skinny youngster behind him.

Charlie nodded. "It's nice to meet you, Nolan."

"Same here, man." Nolan replied, as the two shook hands. "What do you think of this whole thing? Pretty cool, isn't it?"

"Oh, it's marvellous!" Charlie said, smiling brightly. "Everything I've seen so far – the river, the waterfall, those huge pipes, the minty sugar meadows, the Oompa-Loompas, this beautiful boat..."

"I know, it's crazy!" Nolan agreed wholeheartedly. "I mean, especially Mr. Wonka himself. I mean, I've dreamed of setting foot in this place my entire life, and seeing it now... it's all just so astonishing that I'm starting to wonder whether there can possibly be any more astonishments left!"

"Too right, my dear boy." Grandpa Joe interjected. "I wonder what is going to happen next?"

Nolan shrugged. "My dad always says you gotta take a gamble." He smiled. "Only way to find out is find out, right?"

Charlie nodded, smiling right back at him. He felt he and Nolan could potentially be good friends.

As the boat continued slowly down the river, Mr. Wonka reached down into the bottom of the boat, took a soup ladle and dipped it into the river, filling it with chocolate and handing it to Charlie.

"Here, have some of this." He instructed as Charlie took the ladle. "It'll do you good, you look starved to death!"

Charlie put the ladle to his lips, and as the rich warm creamy chocolate ran down his throat into his empty stomach, his whole body from his head to his toes began to tingle with pleasure, and a feeling of intense euphoria spread over him.

"Is that good?" Nolan asked.

"It's great!" Charlie replied.

"That's because it's been mixed by waterfall." Mr. Wonka explained. "The waterfall is most important. It mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy. By the way, no other factory in the world–"

"You already said that." Veruca interrupted him.

Nolan chuckled. "She's right, Mr. Wonka, you did in fact say that already."

Mr. Wonka froze as he realised everybody was looking at him.

"You're all quite short, aren't you?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Well, yeah. We're children." Violet responded.

Mr. Wonka smirked. "Well that's no excuse, I was never as short as you."

"You were once." Mike spoke up.

"Was not!" Mr. Wonka rebutted. "Know why? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head. Look at your short little arms, you could never reach."

"Dude, you just got absolutely annihilated." Nolan said to Mike. "Game over, press X to try again."

Both Veruca and Violet giggled in response at Nolan's comeback, while Mike just scowled and slumped in his seat.

"Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?" Charlie asked Mr. Wonka.

"Oh boy, do I!" Mr. Wonka said, before his face faltered again.

"Do I?"


"Trick or treat!" A group of kids said in unison as an older dimpled woman answered the door.

The woman giggled. "Now who do we have here? Ruthie, Veronica, Terrence... and who's that under the sheet?"

The figure lifted the ghost pillowcase off his head to reveal a small boy with a retainer attached to orthodontic headgear.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory - Male OC InsertTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang