Chapter 12 - Quite The Messy Mess

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Augustus Gloop, as you might have guessed, had quietly sneaked down to the edge of the river, and he was now lying full length on the ground at the edge of the bank, scooping hot melted chocolate into his mouth as fast as he could.

When Mr. Wonka took notice, his eyes widened.

"Hey little boy, my chocolate must be untouched by human hands!" He called.

But Augustus was deaf to everything except the cries of his own stomach.

"Augustus, be careful!" Nolan shouted. "You're leaning too far out!"

The curly haired boy was quite right, for suddenly there was a shriek and a splash. Augustus had lost his balance and toppled into the river. In less than a second he had disappeared under the brown surface.

Mrs. Gloop screamed, going quite white in the face.

"He'll drown!" She exclaimed. "He can't swim! Save him! Augustus!"

Mr. Wonka, for some reason, remained passive as one of the large glass pipes entered and descended into the river.

Nolan stood frozen to the spot. He couldn't make a move to save him even if he wanted to.

"Augustus, watch out! The pipe!" Mrs. Gloop warned her son, her voice slightly strained.

But there was no saving Augustus now. All at once, the powerful suction of the large pipe took hold of him completely, and he was pulled under the surface and into the mouth of the pipe.

"There he goes." Violet reported.

And sure enough, because the pipe was made of glass, Augustus Gloop could be clearly seen shooting up inside it, head first, like a torpedo.

"Call the fire brigade!" Mrs. Gloop screamed.

"It's a wonder how that pipe is big enough..." Ms. Beauregarde mused.

"Yeah, except it isn't big enough." Nolan responded.

"He's slowing down!" Charlie chimed in.

"He's gonna stick." Mike added.

"Help!" A faint cry could be heard from the overweight German boy through the pipe.

"I think he has..." Mr. Teavee said.

"It's his stomach that's done it." Mr. Connelly stated.

"He's blocked the whole pipe..." Mr. Salt spoke up.

Just then, music could be heard, gradually increasing in volume.

Charlie and Veruca took notice immediately.

"Look, the Oompa-Loompas!" Charlie said.

"What are they doing?" Veruca asked.

Mr. Wonka smiled. "Why, I believe they're gonna treat us to a little song. It is quite a special occasion, of course. They haven't had a fresh audience in many a moon."

Dozens and dozens of Oompa-Loompas began crowding the meadow around the river, where Augustus Gloop was stuck in the pipe. The music and choreography seemed familiar to Nolan, almost as if it would have appeared in a Broadway musical.

Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop
The great big greedy nincompoop
Augustus Gloop, so big and vile
So greedy, foul, and infantile

Come on, we cried
The time is ripe
To send him shooting up the pipe
But don't dear children be alarmed
Augustus Gloop will not be harmed
Augustus Gloop will not be harmed

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory - Male OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now