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I make my back down the stairs and into the garage to see Ellie still in the truck and Bill leaning up against the front of it, waiting. I walk over and lean against the door, "Hey, you're gonna be good with this?" I ask Ellie, and I also can't help but notice Joel is nowhere to be seen.

She turns and looks me over, and a knowing smirk appears on her face, but she still doesn't say anything, "Yeah, not a problem."

So clearly, she knows something is happening between Joel and I, but I don't even know what it is myself. What was his relationship to Tess? He only just lost her, so I didn't get to know if they were ever a thing. Shit.

I start to chew at my bottom lip as these new thoughts pop into my head as we stare at each other for a second before she looks away and I reach in to grab her shoulder, getting her attention back, "Hey, you're doing a good job." She looks back to me, "I figured you should know that." I give her shoulder a comforting squeeze.

"Yeah, thanks." She says.

I smile and quickly change the subject, "When we get this thing started, you can finally take a proper rest, okay?" I tap the truck and she gives me a nod.

I straighten as I hear Joel enter the room, walking over to Bill. Our interaction is not evident on his face, and I start to question if it even happened. Am I actually going crazy? Is he thinking the same thing as me? I have to clarify what they were before I really go crazy.

Nonetheless, I watch as he hands Bill a note, "Bill, I found this in there, and I figured you should have it." Bill takes the note from him and starts reading it.

I stay where I am, leaning against the car window as Joel glances back to me, Bill starting to mumble profanities to his late friend Frank. I give Joel a small smile, and the corner of his mouth rises a bit, my body relaxing at the thought of what we did not ruining our dynamic. At least I hope so.

Bill speaks up, "You ready to go?"

"I sure am." I say and open the car door and hop in as Joel makes his way to the back of the truck, "Alright, Bill, let's do it." Joel says, grabbing ahold of the back.

I close the door and put the car in first as Bill opens the roller door. He turns to me in the driver's seat, "Alright, put 'er in first." And takes up position next to Joel on the back of the truck.

"Already did it." I sing out back to them.

"Just... keep your foot on the clutch, and when we get to roll-" Bill starts again.

I roll my eyes, "I know how to pop a clutch!" I look at them through the rearview mirror and see Bill look at Joel, who shrugs.

"How the hell- You know what? I don't care, just don't fuck it up!" Bill yells, and they start to push the car forward, Ellie turning around to flip Bill off.

I shake my head at her as I hear Joel, "Alright Clara, get ready." His voice strained from pushing the vehicle. I don't answer him, and we slowly make our way out of the shed and start to roll a bit, so my foot comes off the clutch and I turn the key, revving the gas pedal. The car stutters but doesn't turn over.

We roll down to the end of the driveway and onto the street as infected make their way slowly out of the surrounding buildings. I see Bill come up behind the car, shaking his head, "Hey! Great job crazy!" He yells, making me roll my eyes.

"Bill!" Joel yells at him, "Not helpin'." We lock eyes in the mirror, "Clara, we're gonna give it another go. Stay focused."

I nod as they start to push again, the infected not noticing us yet, "Let's get to the hill at the end of the street!" Bill yells, pushing the truck.

Ends With You: Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now