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We all finally make our way to the front of the school after making it through the infected that was on the way and the four of us hide behind a car as Joel peers over the side, figuring out what to do, "We're gonna have to take them out." He said as he took off his backpack and pulled out one of the bombs Bill gave him and without warning us, he tossed it where a few of infected were and an explosion sounded as it hit the floor.

I flinched away at the noise as it rang through my head before looking back over to the infected to find that they had been blown to bits and that it also alerted all the other infected in the area. I turn back around to Joel and give raise my eyebrows, "Great job." I say a bit too sarcastically as Joel pulled the bolt action rifle from his back, shrugging.

Bill and Joel stand up from their position and start shooting the infected. I take a deep breath and pull my gun from my thigh halter, shoving Ellie behind me before standing up and firing as well. I gripped my gun hard as the pops sounded all around us as we made quick work of them. Bill handed me more bullets when I had run out and I was surprised when he didn't make a comment about wasting rounds.

The last shot sounded, and I put away my gun, "Everyone good?" I asked and Ellie gave me a thumbs up as she stood from her crouched position near my legs.

Bill spoke up, "That was easier than I thought it'd be. They must be holed up somewhere else." He says and my face drops at his statement. He was the one worrying about doing this in the first place and now he's fine with it.

"Well, let's not test our luck. How do we get inside?" Joel asks as we make our way over to some old buses that are surrounding the school.

Ellie points up to one of the buses, "Someone left a ladder on this bus. Here, get me up there and I'll drop it down to you." She runs up to the end of the bus.

Joel doesn't hesitate to take up position with her, offering Ellie his hands and she climbs up, "Don't get killed up there." Bill comments as he checks our surroundings.

"Thanks Bill." Ellie retorts back sarcastically and I watch as she picks up the ladder before lowering it down to the ground. Bill going up first and Joel last.

"Okay, we just need to get to the hood of the truck." Bill sounding hopeful as we drop down to see the military truck protruding from the side of the building, just where he said it would be.

It didn't take long for infected screams to reach our ears, clearly hearing our gun fight from earlier, "Shit! They're coming, move it everybody!" Bill yells and we all make haste to the door, "Alright, we're gonna get in quick, we're gonna get the battery, we're gonna get the hell outta here." He says rushed.

Joel doesn't go to the door but runs around the building, opening a window for us to climb through as the infected make their way through the fence, "Go, go, go you two go!" Joel yells and ushers us towards the window, but Bill pushes his way through first and I make Ellie go after him and Joel after that.

As I go to climb through, an infected grabs ahold of my ankle and I let out a squeal as it tries to pull me back; I grab onto the windowsill, "Joel!" I yell.

His head whips to me, his eyes widening as he lunges for me, grabbing my hands and tries to pull me toward him. Bill suddenly comes up behind him and aims the shotgun at my head, "Get down!"

I quickly lower my head, the bang of the gun rings in my ear and I fly forward while Joel falls over, taking me with him. I land on top of him and heave out some breaths as Joel does the same and I look up to meet his hazel eyes staring at me, worried, "You alright?"

I give him a nod, "Yeah, I'm fine." And my stomach flutters at being flushed up against him and I wonder if he feels it as well.

I shake my head, rolling my eyes at the thoughts and roll off him, standing up. I extend him a hand and he takes it without question, hauling him up to his feet. I see Ellie give me a questioning gaze and I nod her way, "I'm okay."

Ends With You: Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now