Farther Up

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I always sleep at the most bottom of my pillow

That is just where my head feels best.

My door is kept open at night while I sleep

And I stare into the hall as I rest.

I always sleep at the most bottom of my pillow

Snuggled under a blanket (or three).

But last night I felt so hot in my spot,

and then up on my pillow with me!

I always sleep at the most bottom of my pillow

So I guess my view of the hall has been trim.

For when I shifted farther up on my pillow,

I saw a strange man peeking in.

A/N: I wrote this the morning after I was in my bed (plastered, of course), door slightly open, saw the dude I had over in the bathroom having a piss and it spooked me.

Inspirations from the Intoxicated WallflowerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang