Jaune offered to go with her.

"That might be a good idea," Pyrrha said.

"We'll go also," Nora said. "Whatever you're doing, it's dangerous."

"We're a team," Ren agreed.

"All right, but you all need to hang back," Pyrrha said. "I don't want to scare her away. She's very...tense. But Mr. West was supposed to go with me... I hope he isn't in trouble."

"I think he probably had to go help with the fighting in the camp." Jaune rubbed his head. "I mean, he and Shine were together the last time I saw them. It's weird he didn't let you know, but he is kind of scatter-brained."

"He's fine," Nora blew it off. "Nothing would hurt him. He stopped a sandstorm."

"I still don't understand how that's possible," Ren said.

"Perhaps you're trying to understand with your head too much," Pyrrha said. "Look...I...may tell Vara about coming back to life... I think it might convince her. But if she doesn't believed me, can you all perhaps verify it? If she's willing to listen."

"Sure," Jaune said.

"And then we have to tell her about the vials," Pyrrha said. "We're all okay with using them?"

"I don't understand them," Ren said. "If you want to give them to her, I'm fine with it. I don't like the idea of using odd stuff like that anyway."

"Yeah, they're your gifts," Nora said. "It's up to you."

"Oscar said he was okay with it," Jaune said. "I mean, team RWBY didn't seem interested in them before. I think they'd want us to help her if we could save you by doing it."

"I hope so," Pyrrha said.

Vara had told her to come to one part of the city and wait, that she had to keep moving locations and would find her.

And, sure enough, Pyrrha only waited for about 10 minutes before a hooded figure came out of the shadow of some palm trees and huts.

Vara motioned at her.

"I'll talk to her alone first," Pyrrha hissed. She walked away.

Nora, bored, pulled out her scroll. "Ugh...service sucks out here," she whined.

"I hope no one needs us," Ren said. "I don't feel great about this idea. We don't know Sol that well, but she was okay with Raven getting taken. How can we be sure she won't attack Pyrrha?"

"We need to trust Pyrrha's judgment," Jaune said.

"Pyrrha's judgment has not always been correct," Ren said pointedly.

That was true--but ouch.

"But she's learned," Jaune said. "And she's always been good at reading people. If Vara wanted to attack her, she could have before. Let's try to have some faith."

He was praying silently that he was right about that.

"Who's the entourage?" Vara asked. "Your team? No wait, I remember them now... They all suck."

"They do not," Pyrrha said warmly. "Listen, Vara, we need to talk."

"I'm here, so talk," Vara said, fanning herself. "Ugh, it's so hot."

It was very hot, but Pyrrha was a bit more used to it. Vara looked flushed.

"Listen, I talked to my team," she said, "I mean, the ones I told you about, and they said we can help you. And...also, we have something else, a gift from a friend that we think could help you even faster, perhaps. If you're willing to try it. We all agreed that I should not get the powers."

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