Chapter 11

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Chloe's POV

Her Majesty and we were going after these pigs, The Mortadella Brothers. They had been revived and they were going to pay. Last time our Darling Naoto fought them and this time we would kill them ourselves. These swine would not know what hit them. As her Majesty and I kept going we saw them eating people including their own dead allies. They are a disgusting bunch and really this is what we would have raped by including so many others had my dear Naoto not interfered. I slowly began to coat my knives in sharpening oil as her Majesty began enchanting my knives with Wind Magic. It didn't take long before I cut them to bits as they died. Oh well, her Majesty and I were done so we began regrouping where we all agreed only to see Naoto's mom Kushina already. Damn, she already dispatched her bargain of enemies! Color me impressed as we sat next to her and made girl talk.

''So the mom-in-law, are you done already?'' I asked her as she smiled before laughing meekly. It didn't take a genius for me and her Majesty to figure out things didn't go as planned. I would have asked her but my queen beat me to it.

''I assume that your husband didn't agree to a second chance?'' Olga asked as Kushina nodded before explaining things more in-depth.

'''s sad that he wouldn't want to a least consider himself in the wrong here. He could have come back to life and seen our grandchildren grow up but he chose poorly.'' Kushina said as her Majesty and I nodded. I was then stuck with a very mischievous idea. My lips curled into a smirk before I decided to ask something of her.

''You could join his harem. What a better way to show him and say ''fuck you'' to his lack of loyalty for better or for worse.'' I said as both her Majesty and her spat out incoherent mumblings while blushing profusely. I only wanted to tease her but if it went that way then who was I to object? I pushed Naoto that route and others decided to join so what was just one more in this case? As I kept trying to hold my laughter Kushina and her Majesty then began resuming their duties. We still had troops to commend right now the break was over. Kushina went her own as her Majesty and I kept on ours.

POV Change: Claudia's POV

I made my mowing down troop after troop until I had met the two people that I wanted payback. My adoptive Father Grave Levantine and my ex-husband Klaus. I saw the pretty easily and Klaus who wasn't a fighter was taken out pretty easily. It's easy to chop off his head and seal him via the tags Kushina and Kaguya did to store them away until we could punish them all. My adoptive father saw this and became enraged as he tried to swing his massive halberd at me which I countered by breaking both his kneecaps. He then looked at me but I spoke to him before he could.

''Hello, Father. How is your lineage? I would care but well I don't since about ever since your plan to rape me and everyone else. How low and pathetic can you and Volt's men get? It takes you guys to become traitors and have thousands of troops just to get laid. Just for your information, I am pregnant with Naoto's child so just die you backstabbing scheming bastard.'' I said as I cut his head off and sealed him away. I could only hope that Ruu-Ruu would have gotten rid of Ashura in both Hashirama's and Naruto's bodies. I could only make my way back to the meeting point.

POV Change: Ruu-Ruu's POV

I had made my way toward the first Hokage. Kushina and Kaguya had made seals for sealing them away but with the energy of the Mystearica Sword, these seals would render Ashura's transmigrant worthless. This meant that the Ashura would be worthless without his full takeover and then I could just use the last seals from Kushina to just obliterate them with Truth-Seeking Ball and since he would be sealed he wouldn't be able to fight back. The seals were on my ax so when I swung it would hit them and seal them. My first target was in sight and I immediately swung at him. which he blocked with his immense strength. What a fucking dumbass! He just lost already and he fell to the ground as I placed my seals on him and he went up in smoke. I then heard a scream as I turned my head towards it and saw a man in orange and black. He had blonde spiky hair and blue eyes with three whiskers mark on his cheeks. That was my Darling's twin but he went up in smoke. I could only guess that with me incinerating Ashura in Hashirama's body he also lost this body. Oh well as I made my back to our camp I saw Kushina, Claudia, Olga, and Chloe leave the camp. Oh, this was just fucking amazing! The enemy lost about seventy-five percent of their battlefield sweepers so it was now officially in our favor. I could only hope that Maia, Kaguya, Alicia, Celestine, Prim, and Randomira would be done soon so we could storm heaven's gate.

POV Change: Celestine's POV

I made my way towards the bitch that started a war with us. How dare she?! She practically demanded that I hand over the man I loved and then Kami tried to make me exile him so I couldn't wait to fucking skin her. I may look pure and nice on the outside but I am pretty possessive of those I love. That stuffed bunny that I gave Naoto to convince Olga to side. It was when I fought to keep it from her when we were kids and that was when we broke it. As I made my way towards her I decided that since she could heal her own stabbed heart well perhaps her head getting shot by a holy arrow would suffice. I slowly took aim and readied an arrow for her head but I kept holding out on it as I remembered Naoto's information about her clan.

Flashback Beginning: Hyuuga Hinata's Weakness

''Celestine I know you want Hinata dead but snipping her blindly her WON'T work. They can see around them in a circle for miles to come. They HAVE a weakness. They have a BLINDSPOT between their cerebral vertebrae and thoracic ones. It will paralyze them and THEN you can move in for the kill.'' Naoto said as I nodded before resuming my archery training. This tip would come in handy or so I hoped.

Flashback End: Hyuuga Hinata's Weakness

I then took a second to look and access the situation. The wind was calm so it had no breeze all I had to worry about was the gravity and distance. I then confirmed my arrows were made of pure light so I took aim where I remembered their blind spot was. I then let my arrow fly through the battlefield as it made its course toward its target. It connected and made her spew blood but I couldn't let her heal herself and scream for help so I quickly aimed and shot another arrow at her head. It connected as I saw the life leave her eyes so I shot another one...then another until I saw certain that no amount of healing magic could repair her brain or save her life. When she was dead I made my way back to the camp only to see everyone including Naoto there. I then asked if everything was okay to which Claudia confirmed.

'Yes, your grace everything is fine. Because half of us finish early we were able to help the others finish their goals. We have all the traitors and the black dogs sealed away. What is your order?'' She asked and Naoto made his suggestion.

''I know I am King and all now but I do have an idea. How about we turned them all into women and sent them to take the place of that rape-induced orgy Kami had originally planned. They even thought of a name for their renamed Eostia. ''Cuntry'' as they called it so why shouldn't they be good patriots and feel what they would have forced unto others,'' Naoto asked as everyone including me nodded as Randomira began to gender-bent them via magic. Their screams echoed until Naoto spoke up to the now all-female Black Dogs.

POV Change: Naoto's POV

''Would you look at that? you guys are now all women. Since you wanted a Cuntry...why don't you be good patriots and show the example now?'' I said as they screamed and took the place of those they wanted to rape. Inside the portal, we could see them being raped by their non-gender-bent counterparts as we smiled at them. Karma was a bitch and when it does come's in heat. I then closed the portal and with the help of the Mystearica Sword destroyed that reality. It was time as I raised the blade to the sky a golden staircase appeared as I began climbing it. My troops did the same. This was it. No more endless troops. Kami was gonna pay as we storm her home and destroy her life...just like she did ours.

The Tale of Naoto Uzumaki : Book I : A lost HeroWhere stories live. Discover now